US Admin Office Hours (Thursday session) - 05/25/23 - 11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET - Pre-session Thread

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Hello everyone!


Apologies for the late post today -- traveling this week.


This thread is for today’s Thursday Admin Office Hours session, Thursday, May 25, 2023 at 11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET.

Please submit your questions below as replies to this post in advance if you can, and we'll address them during the session (or if there’s a quick answer available, we’ll post as replies to the questions).

There is no need to register for these sessions - you can join at any time. Once the session is underway, I will go in order of questions posted below first, then field questions from anybody else who has joined as well. Look forward to talking with you!

Conference Details (Zoom):

Thursday, May 25, 2023 at 11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 982 4049 0183

Passcode: 966630


For dial-in info by your location, find your local number:

9 replies

Userlevel 2

Joining to follow up on our chat about Dashboard links from Tuesday’s call.


Hi Scott. This was posted for the 5/23 session but we ran out of time.

I would like to review my assumption concerning an open support case, # 256985. Essentially, should I always expect that ALL accounts in the Company object are represented in the current snapshot in the “Account Scorecard History” object? In both my Production and Sandbox instances, we had a sharp drop of accounts in that object starting in late January, but the # of accounts in Company object has not lowered, in fact it has increased a bit since then.

At last count, we have 3,205 accounts in Company object, but only 720 accounts being tracked in the latest snapshot in “Account Scorecard History”.

Support is saying that Company records with NA score would not be tracked, but that doesn’t match with my understanding of how this object is supposed to work.

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

Hi Scott,

We do not pass prospect accounts from SF to GS.  When an opportunity is closed won the account record status is changed in SF to client and a new company record is created in GS. We want to begin sending a welcome letter to the primary contact on the closed won opportunity using JO. I have come across 2 issues with this. 

  1. The existing contacts are not synced to GS until the contact record is created or edited in SF, so contacts are not automatically syncing into the new Company record.  
  2. If I resolve the above issue, this still will not connect the contact to the closed opportunity  because the opportunity may get created before the contacts would be available in GS.  You cannot edit a closed opportunity to force an update to the opportunity record.

I am looking for some input on how to address these issues.  I was wondering if creating new Companies in GS when the opportunity moves to the stage just before closed won might be an option.  




Hi Scott. Going back to an earlier topic: sending incremental object data to Power BI via email attachments.

How would we handle record deletions? As far as I know GS doesn’t support “soft” deletes like Salesforce does (or used to, I don’t know it’s been a long time). How would I let Power BI know that specific records from specific objects have been deleted?

Userlevel 2
Badge +5

I posted on the Tuesday thread but - wanted to post again for today so it does not get lost hopefully.

I have a question regarding a report I want to add into an email template that will be Part of a JO Program. I would like to add a tabular report showing the Opportunity Products with Quantity and expiration dates for the particular renewal email in the program.


  1. I am getting errors in the template when importing the report regarding deleted fields.  I removed fields listed in the message but, they are not deleted fields and some I actually need to include in the email.
  1.  It appears that the report is working when I try to modify it in the program.
  1.  I am also not sure how or where I can filter to just show the products for the opportunity that I am sending the email about to the customer.

Hey Scott - Want to build a report to see which opportunities in Gainsight no longer exist in Salesforce. This would help immensely with efforts to delete these from Gainsight so CSMs aren’t confused when these ghost reports end up in their reports. 

Hi Scott -- sneaking this one in if there’s time. I have a heat map report I’m working on for quarter-over-quarter NPS data but can’t figure out how to arrange the quarters properly. It may be a limitation of the heat map visual (or I’m missing something, which is also very likely) but hoping to discuss.


Update: figured this out. Please disregard!

Userlevel 1

Following up on the last call. Still having Failed Participants in the Journey Orchestrator. 


Hi Scott! This is Deja from Collibra.

I created a custom object Red Account Activity to push the timeline activity to the SFDC object.  Our CSMs or managers can then go in and update that single record with additional comments. We would like these comments to flow to the Timeline activity record in SFDC.  I have this with the technical team as well, but do you know if this is possible?
