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Hello everyone!


This thread is for our upcoming Thursday Admin Office Hours session on Thursday, July 27, 2023 at 11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET.

Please submit your questions below as replies to this post in advance if you can, and we'll address them during the session (or if there’s a quick answer available, we’ll post as replies to the questions).

There is no need to register for these sessions - you can join at any time. Once the session is underway, I will go in order of questions posted below first, then field questions from anybody else who has joined as well. Look forward to talking with you!

Conference Details (Zoom):

Thursday, July 27, 2023 at 11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 982 4049 0183

Passcode: 966630


For dial-in info by your location, find your local number:




I wanted to update the CSAT Survey links to a new custom survey. I have updated the survey in the email templates, does it automatically update the JO Program as well? Do I need to create a seperate JO Program for the new survey? How do I test if the old survey has been replaced with a new survey?


Looking forward to hearing from you.




Hello, can we go over global filters please? I am trying to create a dashboard that includes account level usage metrics needed for QBRs. My goal is to enable global filters where CSMs can filter by company and date range. Thank you 

Hi Scott,

I’d like some ideas for a recurring CTA.  We have unique SLAs in some contracts.  We want the RM to have a CTA to track the actions that need to be taken.  I don’t think I can automate this because I cannot access the contract info in GS and each one will be different.  I was wondering is there a way to trigger a new CTA after a certain CTA that had been manually created by the RM is closed.  Or any other idea you might have.



Hello, If we have time there is a rule I need help with where I have two data sets (1) User ID and (2) Sum of Usage Metric / Avg of Usage Metric. I need to build out the same rule for each usage metric we collect at the Account User Level to create a report that shows the average per usage metric month over month. The rule takes into the account of all SUM of usage this month and previous month and then the average of those sums this month and previous month based on the SUMs. Thanks 

Hello @himanikeskar -- sorry you couldn’t join us for the session today, but the answer to your question is pretty straightforward:

If you have created a new CSAT survey, you will have to create a new JO Program to launch it (unless the current Program is still in Draft mode, but it sounds like you are already sending the original CSAT Survey out with your current program based on the question).  See my screenshot below - even “Pausing” the Program won’t allow you to change surveys.

The reason you have to create the new Program is that you select the survey when you are creating the Program -- the Program is linked to that survey, which is why you can set up conditional waits, CTAs, etc. based on certain responses to certain Survey questions -- if the active program is pointed to a different survey, all those steps would break because they are linked to questions/answers on the original survey.

Hope that helps - post here with a followup if you need more info!



