US Admin Office Hours (Thursday session) - 10/24/19, 12 pm PST - Pre-session Thread - note time change

  • 22 October 2019
  • 12 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hello everyone! This thread is for our Thursday Admin Office Hours session, which will be held this coming Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019 at noon PT / 1pm MT / 2pm CT / 3pm ET. Please note this is one hour later than usual.

Please submit your questions below as replies to this post in advance if you can, and we'll address them during the session (or if there’s a quick answer available, we’ll post as replies to the questions).

There is no need to register for these sessions - you can join at any time. Once the session is underway, I will go in order of questions posted below first, then field questions from anybody else who has joined as well. Look forward to talking with you Thursday!

Conference Details (GoTo Meeting):

You can also dial in using your phone.

United States: +1 (872) 240-3412

Access Code: 493-151-677


12 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

I’m struggling creating NPS trend  reports that show replies over time similar to those in NPS 2.0

Hi, I need some help building a Program based on whether a link was clicked or not. How do I test the Program before going live? How can I build a completely different branch for all of my non-clickers? 



Apologies for my laundry list of questions. Would love to cover any (or all) of these. 

Thank you!

How is My Customers dashboard filtered?

Field Creation: Want to create a field called Bitly Admin Link on Company object with concatenated URL. Not able to pull in Bitly Org GUID field which is on the Usage Object. How can I do that?

Field Names: Client Type Pick List - Restricted License and Restricted License Developer are the API names, but want the field names to be Developer for both

C360: Want to add a report based on data from Opportunity Object to C360


1 - I have created a rule to take the User ID name in SFDC and push it to Gainsight CSS or CSM field based on if the Team Role assigned in SFDC is Client Success Specialist or Client Success Manager but my two rules are failing.


2 - I would like my Training CTA to fire only when the Onboarding CTA is closed success, I cannot find the field Status: Closed success to add as a filter in my rule and/or criteria in the action.





I have a rule that recently started pulling in way more accounts than the past.

I don’t believe we have changed the logic in the Rule, so I’m not sure why this would be pulling in more participants (~30k more).

I was not involved in the configuration of this rule (this was our previous admin). How do I check if this rule is correct?


I need help building a JO participant list based on the account contact relationship object - I need the email off the contact object based on the ACR.Roles (contains data owner, does not contain former data owner)


I need help building a JO participant list based on the account contact relationship object - I need the email off the contact object based on the ACR.Roles (contains data owner, does not contain former data owner)

I resolved my JO participant by building two fetches(ACR and Contact) and a merge (on contact ID).


Following up bc we ran out of time:

After looking into a copy we had made of this rule back in September (thankfully), it looks like all of the filters disappeared in the Rule Setup… but no one on our end had made changes to the filters. I’m not sure how this happened, is there a way to see a log of the changes made to this rule?


Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Hello @ashcha -- Just to confirm - does the copy of the rule have the filters still, but the rule that was scheduled to run each night doesn’t have those filters any more?


When looking at the Rule History, can you see what day it dropped the filters and and began pulling all accounts?


There isn’t a Modify log that captures the change history available within the UI (and I’m not sure if it is available even from the back end) - however, I’d open a ticket with support to have them look into it - and definitely find out what day the filters disappeared based on the quantities in the Rule History jumping.


My only guess might be that the OAuth user was changed at some point and that user didn’t have permission to the fields being used to filter, so they dropped - but that’s a wild guess only (not sure if that’s the behavior in that particular case).


Sorry I don’t have a better answer for you, but definitely have support take a look.





I haven’t received follow up instructions yet for my questions above. Can you let me know when I can expect them?


1 - I have created a rule to take the User ID name in SFDC and push it to Gainsight CSS or CSM field based on if the Team Role assigned in SFDC is Client Success Specialist or Client Success Manager but my two rules are failing.


2 - I would like my Training CTA to fire only when the Onboarding CTA is closed success, I cannot find the field Status: Closed success to add as a filter in my rule and/or criteria in the action.




Everything has been figured out and working, Thank you

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Hello @emily.mcinerney -- thanks for the patience on this - I’ll be able to circle back this afternoon and get some information to you!

