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Hello everyone!

This thread is for our upcoming Tuesday Admin Office Hours session on Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 1pm PT / 2pm MT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET.

Please submit your questions below as replies to this post in advance if you can, and we'll address them during the session (or if there’s a quick answer available, we’ll post as replies to the questions).

There is no need to register for these sessions - you can join at any time. Once the session is underway, I will go in order of questions posted below first, then field questions from anybody else who has joined as well. Look forward to talking with you!

Conference Details (Zoom):

Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 1pm PT / 2pm MT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET


Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 925 8732 8600

Password: 970938


For dial-in info by your location, find your local number:

  1. Account Scorecard History object. How to query for "accounts [a] currently in red status but [b] were not red yesterday"? We believe we have [a] covered in the below filter screen print (Company Id → Current Score -> Label = Red), we're struggling with tb].
  2. Options for getting Gainsight data into Power BI (Data Designer > S3, what else is available?)
  3. Sending XLSX reports as email attachments via JO has a 1K record limit per file. According to online docs there is a CSV option with unlimited records but we can't find how to choose CSV instead of XLSX.
  4. How to add content from multiple Company records into the body of a JO email? For example, if a CSM is to receive the same notification regarding 10 accounts, I’d rather send one email with the 10 account names in the body, rather than 10 separate emails to the same CSM.


  1. Creating scorecard rule for whether a Success Plan has been created in the past 365 days. We have something similar for a meeting type but that pulls from timeline so slightly different when trying to mimic rule setup and actions.
  2. Creating a calculated field on the Company level to determine how far out from go-live and how close to renewal date a customer is.

Hi @sdrostgainsightcom  - Were you able to find the documentation on creating a Rich Text hyperlink field? Also, have a question on Success Plans.

Hi Scott,

I have a question about participants in an JO.  I am using a segment for my participants.  This same email will be sent every 6 months.  I want to be able to stop a participant from getting the email again in 6 months if they clicked a link in the email previously.  I’m not sure how to do that. 



Here’s the details for using Concat to create a hyperlink that you write to a Rich Text field @ACT and @justo.casablanca 

And a follow-up note for our Turned to Red discussion @justo.casablanca -- you would filter the Scorecard History object for:

Snapshot Date greater or equal  last week   AND

Snapshot Date less than current week.


Should yield only 1 row per customer (remember to filter for Active = True as well)

@sdrostgainsightcom - how are you today? I missed the office hours unfortunately, however I had a question. We are trying to automate the Gainsight user deprovisioning as part of our offboarding process. In order to make progress with it, we need help from you or another team member to confirm if Gainsight supports SCIM or has an Open API endpoint for managing user status/ deactivating users. Is this something you can help us with?

@sdrostgainsightcom , thank you so much for your time today! As the meeting was coming to a close I tried to unmute but couldn’t get there in time. Do you have any recommendations on solution options for my question # 2 in my original post? We want Power BI to be able to consume multiple of our Gainsight objects, what are the potential solution options that we should be researching on our end?

Hello @justo.casablanca  -- glad we were able to cover so much during the session!


On pushing data to Power BI, yes, the drop-to-S3 is the best way to push data there for daily or weekly large dataloads.  If you are needing to push, say, survey results as they come in, you can use External Actions to allow the Rules Engine to call the PowerBI API directly, but that’s for a handful of records at a time.

And although building it in Data Designer is fine, I’d recommend NOT publishing the Data Designer, but instead saving it as a template and then fetching that same design into a Horizon Rule, which basically runs form the DD engine -- and you can now save designs when it makes sense and then copy them into new rules or DDs and tweak as needed.

When you do it that way, you don’t end up with the DD creating another object in your instance -the rule just runs and then drops the file to S3.

Hello @ralucagorbanescu -- yes, you can use the GS User REST API to set up to 50 user statuses to Inactive at a time in each call.

Link is below to the documentation.  Note that you need to have the User GSID (the Gainsight native “row ID” in the GS User table) to update the user -- however, if you scroll down one more section in the same document, it has the API documentation for fetching User info from the table.

Hope that helps!

Thank you so much, @sdrostgainsightcom! Will share with the team here and circle back or join the next office hours if more questions arise. Have a lovely day & week!

@sdrostgainsightcom thanks again for the PDF on creating a hyperlink field. Looks like the Gainsight UI is not generating the desired outcome. I have a ticket open on this # 254794 to investigate. Essentially, the field does not hyperlink, requires to click to a tab to go to the link, and does not open a new tab.

And a follow-up note for our Turned to Red discussion @justo.casablanca -- you would filter the Scorecard History object for:

Snapshot Date greater or equal  last week   AND

Snapshot Date less than current week.


Should yield only 1 row per customer (remember to filter for Active = True as well)

@sdrostgainsightcom thank you so much for helping us think through this one! The options for snapshot date include “First Day of Previous Week” - So would we be able to use that directly, or do we need to set it as greater or equal to ‘First Day of Previous Week’ and less than ‘FIrst Day of Current Week’?

Hello @JoelE (and for @justo.casablanca as well) -- yes, use the “First Day of Previous Week” and “...of Current Week” per your note above - apologies, I didn’t match the terms in our filters (typing too fast) -- but you’ve got the correct terms there!

Hello @ACT -- two things going on here I think but Support will confirm:

  • I don’t know that there is any way to show the live hyperlink with the way we display Rich Text. There is now always the 3 ellipses there inviting a click-to-open the full rich text field.  So even if functioning as wanted, I think they users will have to click to open the field first, then click on the rendered hyperlink.  You used to be able to show the full Rich Text field (there was an “unwrap/wrap” checkbox or something similar) in a tabular report - I’m not seeing that now and will ask internally.
  • AS for the link not opening onto a new tab -- I had that working in my test org a while back and now I am seeing the same behavior as you.  The issue may be the rel=”noreferrer” attribute -- which I’m using because it was recommended to help make the new tab more secure -- I will re-check, as I’m sure someone will on the Support side will as well - there may be a different attribute needed, but I”m not sure.

I will keep an eye out on the ticket as well . . .

Provided all/any of the additional context I could for pushing the ticket up to L2 @ACT -- again, don’t know that there will be a short-term fix to having to open the field, then click on the hyperlink, but pretty confident we can find a way to deal with the fact that it isn’t opening in a new browser tab.



