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US Admin Office Hours (Tuesday session) - 06/06/23 - 1 pm PT / 2pm MT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET - Pre-session Thread

Hello everyone!

This thread is for our upcoming Tuesday Admin Office Hours session on Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 1pm PT / 2pm MT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET.

Please submit your questions below as replies to this post in advance if you can, and we'll address them during the session (or if there’s a quick answer available, we’ll post as replies to the questions).

There is no need to register for these sessions - you can join at any time. Once the session is underway, I will go in order of questions posted below first, then field questions from anybody else who has joined as well. Look forward to talking with you!

Conference Details (Zoom):

Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 1pm PT / 2pm MT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET


Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 925 8732 8600

Password: 970938


For dial-in info by your location, find your local number:

9 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +12

Hi, Scott!  I need help with an external action for Success Plans.  I have a rule set up to update any Plans where the owner is not the current CSM, but I must not have the right labels or settings in External Actions.  TIA.

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

Hi Scott,

We use Relationships as “regions” for child accounts.  These are assigned to Related Accounts via a field in SF that triggers a rule.  I need to rename some Relationships for one company.  I’d like to talk through how best to accomplish that. 

I know that I cannot merge Relationships, so I’d also like to confirm what happens to associated data (timeline activities, success plans, relationship person, etc.) when a Relationship is deleted. 



Hi Scott,

I am relatively new to building reports in Gainsight. I have two reports that I want to create.

  • The first report shows us the number of accounts with no active success plan attached. I think I have this one created correctly, but just want another set of eyes.
  • The second report shows us any active accounts that have no timeline activity of a certain type in the last 30 days. This one has me stumped.



Hi Scott. My colleague Joel Erickson will be joining today to get an update on our ongoing question regarding the “Account Scorecard History” object (unfortunately I have a conflict). Specifically the way this table is populated appears to have changed sometime in Jan-2023.

Prior to Jan-2023, all our accounts were represented in the “latest” snapshot.

Post Jan-2023, only accounts whose scores have changed that week are represented in the “latest” snapshot.

What is the expected behavior?

We have a colleague, Christian Nduka, who has been working on an email notification for red accounts that depends on the pre-Jan behavior. He’ll need guidance on how to account for the post-Jan behavior.


Is it possible to deep link directly to a specific account tab in C360? I’ve noticed that as I navigate to each 360 tab in the UI, my URL appears to change consistently. The URL pattern appears to be:


baseURL + “?cid=” + (account GSID) + “#/” + (a garbled string that I grabbed from the end of my browser URL)

baseURL =

account GSID = self-explanatory, the Gainsight-assigned unique id for the account

garbled string…. = for example, one of them looks like “008c62c8-5584-47c4-a07a-52a0bec98ac2”


This seems to work for a few accounts that I’ve tried and it takes me directly to that specific tab in C360. My question is, can I *depend on* this pattern of deep linking always working and being available, or did I just stumble on an accidental feature that is not guaranteed to work every time?


We want to provide deep links into C360 both from Gainsight-generated JO emails, as well as from Power BI dashboards, etc.


Hey Scott - Have some questions regarding an object I built in GS to house Contract Utilization data. Need to know how to account for records that potentially don’t exist in GS.



I need assistance with a few items today:

  1. Adding Phone field to the Company Person (Contact object in SF) via Rule Engine.
  2. Combining 2 objects into 1 report (Support suggested to use Data Designer?).
  3. Creating new fields on the Open Receivables object that are dependent on 1 field from SF. Maybe applying a formula. 




Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Hello @justo.casablanca and Joel -- let’s hold off until Thursday on discussing Scorecard History behavior for no-score accounts.  I was out of town from Friday until this morning, so clarifying with our engineering team wasn’t possible.


I will be able to work with Christian on the setup of the JO Program, however.


As for the deep linking, that final “garbled” string that’s the final parameter in the C360 URL is a back-end ID for that section (it’s not garbled - it’s a hexadecimal ID that I’m 99% sure is associated with a metadata table -- so like a GSID, but because of the platform where the C360 Section metadata is housed is rendered in this format).

Although you should generally be able to count on this section ID parameter, I would think this through carefully since different users can be assigned different C360 layouts, so a link to a section of a layout that isn’t the layout that user is assigned to wouldn’t take them there -  you would likely get an error instead.

We can talk a bit about that today, or possibly Thursday as well -- I would also post your URL question to the channel -- you might get an answer from one of the Product team for the C360 there.

Also note that if your users log into Gainsight via the NXT tab in SFDC (vs a direct login), they will have authentication problems when using the link.


Hope this helps - and I’ll be ready on Thursday with a discussion of the Account History issue.

Hi! Can you please share the meeting recording?


