US Admin Office Hours (Tuesday session) - 7/21/20 1 p.m. PST - Pre-session Thread

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hello everyone! This thread is for our Tuesday Admin Office Hours session, which will be held Tuesday, July 21, 2020. Submit your questions below as replies to this post, and we'll address them during our session at 1pm PT / 2pm MT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET.

Please note we are using a new conference line. Details are below. There is no need to register for the sessions. If you have a question, please post below or join the meeting. I will go in order of posts below or joining the session. Thanks!

Conference Details (Zoom): 

Join Zoom Meeting

ID: 93972497920
Password: F7msaSQ3


‪(US) +1 877-853-5257‬

‪(IN) +91 0008000401530‬

14 replies

Badge +2

Hi Spencer! Hope you had a great weekend. We are rolling out a new version of our scorecards. I have gathered all of the new criteria - it’s a pretty big, complex set of changes. I’m curious if you have any suggestions or best practices to share when it comes to overhauling scorecards. Specifically we are adding new segments and measures, different for each for each product line with many exceptions. Appreciate any guidance you have here on the best approach, thanks!

Hi Spencer,

  1. Looking into seeing how customizable UI Views are. Looks like we can only add certain fields on certain objects. Looking to add fields from custom objects to the UI Views
  2. Looking to map a custom object into Gainsight; however, not sure if I should use the connector or rule to load the respective fields (SFDC to GS)



I have a rule that runs every 2 hours. It’s checking the SFDC Opportunity data that was modified today and making a change to Scorecard. Is there a way to have the rule only find Opportunities that were modified since the last rule run?

Stacked Reporting

Userlevel 2

Hi Spencer,  

I am trying to set up a Success Template and I’m having trouble with the formatting.  Upon export I am seeing bullet points in my free text field and I don’t know how to get rid of them.  The font is also incorrect.  Can you help me fix my template?

I am trying to join, however it just says I am in the meeting alone

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

@Ricardogs18 You’re an hour early 🙂 We start at 1 p.m. PT/3 p.m. CT

Guess I am being over zealous! I am an idiot!


Need help with rule results


Userlevel 2
Badge +6

looking to create a report tracking NPS scores over time.  thank you.



I have a rule that runs every 2 hours. It’s checking the SFDC Opportunity data that was modified today and making a change to Scorecard. Is there a way to have the rule only find Opportunities that were modified since the last rule run?

You may have a modified date on the OPPTY, do that date = Rule Run Date.   That should give you the opptys.


Hi Spencer


Following up on what we discussed - Closed-the-loop process:

  1. When a customer responds to our NPS Survey a detractor/passive CTA is created.

  2. CSMs then follow up with the customer to collect qualitative feedback

    • Once the customer meeting concludes, the CSM then goes to Survey 2.0 > Finds the NPS survey > Clicks on Analyze > Click on the edit (pencil) icon > and fills out the internal questions

What I am trying to solve for is two things:

  1. In order for the CSM to fill out internal questions, they must have Admin permissions to the survey, which I think is overkill. I have given them Design, Distribute, and Analyze permissions but the end-user still runs into insufficient privileges after clicking on the edit (pencil) icon.

    • How can I give users permission to edit the survey to fill out the internal question without giving them admin permissions? Is there a workaround?

  2. I believe when the end-users are editing the survey to fill out the internal questions, they also have the ability to edit the customer response.

    • How can I lock down customer response to not be editable, but still allow the end-user to edit the internal questions?


Hi all!
Who on this thread was the one that created the Onboarding Object in Gainsight?  I am curious to learn more about what you did and the solve?  We also have an Onboarding team and would love to see what you did.

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hi Spencer


Following up on what we discussed - Closed-the-loop process:

  1. When a customer responds to our NPS Survey a detractor/passive CTA is created.

  2. CSMs then follow up with the customer to collect qualitative feedback

    • Once the customer meeting concludes, the CSM then goes to Survey 2.0 > Finds the NPS survey > Clicks on Analyze > Click on the edit (pencil) icon > and fills out the internal questions

What I am trying to solve for is two things:

  1. In order for the CSM to fill out internal questions, they must have Admin permissions to the survey, which I think is overkill. I have given them Design, Distribute, and Analyze permissions but the end-user still runs into insufficient privileges after clicking on the edit (pencil) icon.

    • How can I give users permission to edit the survey to fill out the internal question without giving them admin permissions? Is there a workaround?

  2. I believe when the end-users are editing the survey to fill out the internal questions, they also have the ability to edit the customer response.

    • How can I lock down customer response to not be editable, but still allow the end-user to edit the internal questions?


@AgassiTran I’m tagging our Survey PM @vikram here to see if he has any thoughts on the above. Thanks!
