US Admin Office Hours (Tuesday session) - 9/29/20 - 1pm PT / 2pm MT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET - Pre-session Thread

  • 28 September 2020
  • 15 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hello everyone!

This thread is for our upcoming Tuesday Admin Office Hours session on Tuesday, September 29, 2020 at 1pm PT / 2pm MT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET.

Please submit your questions below as replies to this post in advance if you can, and we'll address them during the session (or if there’s a quick answer available, we’ll post as replies to the questions).

There is no need to register for these sessions - you can join at any time. Once the session is underway, I will go in order of questions posted below first, then field questions from anybody else who has joined as well. Look forward to talking with you!

Conference Details (Zoom):

Tuesday, September 29, 2020 at 1pm PT / 2pm MT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET


Join Zoom Meeting:    Click here to join

Meeting ID: 939 7249 7920

Passcode: F7msaSQ3


Dial-in Numbers:

        877 853 5257 US Toll-free

        888 475 4499 US Toll-free

        000 800 040 1530 India Toll-free

        000 800 050 5050 India Toll-free

        855 703 8985 Canada Toll-free


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15 replies


I need help configuring 2 reports featuring our scorecard data. The first report we want all of our customers in a column with their overall score (Red, yellow, green) in the next column. Then we want our 4 measures in more of a pivot table style in the last 4 columns showing their unique scores per measure. 

The second report is more of a trending report where we break it down by different months. Then we will show the total number of accounts with a red, yellow, green healthscore per month as well as the total number of accounts getting a red yellow or green in each category measure.


I probably won’t be able to join until 4:30, but I have some questions on surveys. Thanks!

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

I need help configuring 2 reports featuring our scorecard data. The first report we want all of our customers in a column with their overall score (Red, yellow, green) in the next column. Then we want our 4 measures in more of a pivot table style in the last 4 columns showing their unique scores per measure. 

The second report is more of a trending report where we break it down by different months. Then we will show the total number of accounts with a red, yellow, green healthscore per month as well as the total number of accounts getting a red yellow or green in each category measure.

@mkizershot I’m wondering if this tutorial might help: 


Definitely still come to office hours tomorrow if you have any questions at all but wanted to at least pass this along in the interim. 

Userlevel 1
Badge +3

I need assistance in getting CTA’s to sync to SFDC. We have two-way sync with our SFDC Lightning. The timeline entries are syncing to SFDC as tasks.  When I create a CTA or close a CTA, it does not sync to SFDC. 

Badge +2

Hi Spencer, 
We are working on ways to improve our survey response rates. I came accross this doc and am wondering if this is something we should do for our org and if there’s way to tell if we are already whitelabeling.



Hoping to get help with automating the creation of a CTA with a playbook based upon an assigned CSM. So when a new account is created, with a specific CSM, we want a CTA created and associated with that account. 

Hey Spencer, 


Running into issues with Gainsight Dashboards, especially with reports. It has been working fine, but then I am hit with this error recently. Don’t know if this is a common error note, but wondering if you knew?

So basically the report applies a current user identifier when the report is viewed on the dashboard. All of the other reports works fine except “Activity Timeline”.

The error message appears as 


Status: false

Message: Error occurred while fetching data


{ "result": false, "errorCode": "GS_15000", "errorDesc": "Error occurred while fetching data", "requestId": "f8c35158-2f6b-4c2f-bbd8-dfbb8e8f5f58"}


Do you know what this error might mean? Is it related to the outrage that occurring in Gainsight on Sep 24th?

Hi Spencer,

Some questions on people maps

1.) We want some information on people maps detailed view to be di-directional to SF. can this be accomplished by a rule? 

2.) The last activity for a person in a people map, is that ‘any’ activity on timeline. For instance an email activity type would could? Or can this be isolated to ‘call’ and ‘meeting’ type. We want to show last activity as a meeting or call only, as emails are frequent on timeline and not representative of a true high level of engagement with stakeholders. 

Userlevel 3

Hey Spencer, 


Running into issues with Gainsight Dashboards, especially with reports. It has been working fine, but then I am hit with this error recently. Don’t know if this is a common error note, but wondering if you knew?

So basically the report applies a current user identifier when the report is viewed on the dashboard. All of the other reports works fine except “Activity Timeline”.

The error message appears as 


Status: false

Message: Error occurred while fetching data


{ "result": false, "errorCode": "GS_15000", "errorDesc": "Error occurred while fetching data", "requestId": "f8c35158-2f6b-4c2f-bbd8-dfbb8e8f5f58"}


Do you know what this error might mean? Is it related to the outrage that occurring in Gainsight on Sep 24th?


We reported this issue to Gainsight Support yesterday.  The exact same thing is happening in our org.  Since it’s a break/fix item you may want to file a support ticket as well so they know it’s happening for at least 2 customers.

Userlevel 3

@spencer_engel   Our Journey Orchestrator jobs are taking all day to go from their Scheduled Start Times in the morning to kicking off and then completing.  The general behavior is they start at the scheduled time and then remain in ‘Synching Participants’ status all day long.  

We’re looking for suggestions on how to figure out why this is happening and how to correct it.  The affected JOs use Query Builder. 




Hi Spencer,

Our org is experimenting with Events Framework. We are running into an issue where the event is hitting Gainsight, however, the participant is not being pulled into the program and then the email is not being sent.

We are testing in our SFDC sandbox and production Gainsight.

Since we are new to Events Framework, we are looking for general guidance on best practice to set the program up, as well as trouble shooting why the event is showing in Gainsight Events but then not the program. Thanks!

Badge +2

Hello Spencer,

I am working on creating a new rule for our scorecard that I could use some help with.  We are moving to use Timeline Activities instead of Salesforce Activities for tracking the time since last activity for our customers.  We have two measures, one for decision maker/ approver and one for influencer/ evaluator Actvities.  We have a power/ role field (multi-select)at the company person table that stores these attributes.  I found documentation directing to use the Activity Attendee table to find information for external attendees participants.  I am looking for guidance on the best way to write a data set to find the most recent timeline activities for the decision maker/ approver or alternatively the influencer/ evaluator contacts denoted at the company person level.



Hi Spencer! Had a few quick questions that you may not be able to get to but feel free to respond here in the comments as well. 


  • Is it possible to report on ‘Timeline’ activities in Gainsight? I know we can report on Success Plans, etc. but it would be good to compare volume of activities added to the Timeline to where customers are in Success Plans (e.g. if a customer is stuck on an objective in a success plan but we’ve been logging emails and calls with them in the timeline, we would want to have that visibility to dig in deeper with our CSMs to understand why this is).
  • For a Product Dashboard, I need help on creating a parameter that pulls in and counts ARR only once for accounts. Right now, because the product dashboard is built off of a custom dataset and merged at the Account ID. However, when I pull information on the Account, ARR and any other fields, the ARR is counted twice (e.g. A customer has 2 $120,000k values that are attributed to 2 different opportunity IDs). I would like the ability to create reports that sum up ARR, but need to get it to where an account’s ARR is only counted once at $120,000k instead of twice because it’s associated with two separate opportunity IDs). I’ve tried some filtering, but our CSM Taylor mentioned maybe leveraging a Rule?




Is there a repository of recorded Admin Office Hours anywhere for us newbies to consume info and knowledge? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +3


Is there a repository of recorded Admin Office Hours anywhere for us newbies to consume info and knowledge? 

Hi @michael.lang - we do typically record the sessions but only provide them ad-hoc due to the potential of somewhat sensitive customer information being shared. You are welcome to join any future sessions though and soak up knowledge live on the calls!
