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Hi Community! We need your feedback via a Virtual Customer Advisory Meeting with our Product Management team


What is the VCAM about?

We are looking to revamp the existing timeline salesforce integration experience which would help customers use this functionality more efficiently. We would like to listen and understand:

  • What are the current pain points while using this integration?
  • What additional functionalities are you looking for?

What is the Agenda of the VCAM? 

  • Understand the challenges with timeline salesforce integration experience
  • To discuss what additional functionalities can improve the timeline salesforce integration experience

What is the outcome of this VCAM?

  • This will give us key insights on the challenges faced by existing timeline salesforce integration to ensure these are considered for salesforce integration revamp

Who is the right person to Enroll?

  • Do you use salesforce timeline integration frequently? 

When is this happening?

  • Wednesday, 11th May 12: 00 PM ET/ 9:00 AM PT/ 9:30 PM IST

  • Wednesday, 18th May 12: 00 PM ET/ 9:00 AM PT/ 9:30 PM IST

What should you do?

Please register for the roundtable to the slots provided using this form. We will reply with a calendar invitation. If you are unable to use Google forms due to company restrictions you can email to sign up. 

FYI @Bhawya 
