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Hidden Phrases: (Customer Communities standard) Login / Registration pages

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 907 replies

Some text strings on the community cannot be edited with our live-edit tool, e.g. when you can only see a text string when you are not logged-in. In these cases, you will have to add the phrase manually. For this you will need to know the codes so you can add it via the Control environment in Control → Customization → Phrases.

In this topic you can find the details to change the phrases on your login & registration pages.

Note: This only applies to the standard Customer Communities login / registration, not login via SSO!

How to change a text

  1. Navigate to Control → Customization → Phrases.
  2. Click Add phrase
  3. Add Module and Key in the details panel (see list of modules and keys below)
  4. Provide Translations in the Translations panel
  5. Click Save changes, your new phrase should be applied


The login page


1. Title
Module: Common
Key: login.detail.title

2. Description*
Module: Common
Key: login.detail.descriptionWithRegistrationLink 

*Add the variable {registrationLink} to the description to include a “Create account” link

Create account link
Module: Common
Key: common.loginBox.register

3. Username or Email
Module: Common
Key: loginBox.usernameOrEmail

4. Password
Important: Changing this will also change the phrase on the registration page
Module: Common
Key: loginBox.password

5. Remember me
Module: Common
Key: loginBox.rememberData

6. "Log in" button
Module: common.loginBox.login
Key: Login

7. Forgot password?
Module: common.loginBox.forgotPassword
Key: Forgot password?


Login page error messages


Invalid username/password:
Module: Common
Key: validation.login.invalid


The registration page



1. Title
Module: Common
Key: registration.detail.title

2. Description*
Module: Common
Key: registration.detail.descriptionWithLoginLink

*Add the variable {loginLink} to the description to include a “Login” link

Login link
Module: Common
Key: registration.detail.loginLink

3. Username
Module: Common
Key: loginBox.username

4. Email Address
Module: Common
Key: loginBox.emailaddress

5. Password
Important: Changing this will also change the phrase on the login page
Module: Common
Key: loginBox.password

6. I accept the terms & conditions*
Module: Common
Key: loginBox.terms
*Will automatically be replaced by the system with your platform terms url

7. Register button
Module: Common
Key: loginBox.register.button


Registration page error messages



Please accept the terms of use
Module: Forum
Key: Forum condition not accepted

E-mail address is required
Module: common.models.user
Key: email_required

You haven't entered user profile field*
Module: Common
Key: validation.genericProfileField.required
*This error is being displayed when a mandatory custom profile field has not been entered by the user. The text is using a variable to name the custom profile field that this error is about.



The username needs to have at least 3 characters and not more then 30 characters.
Module: Forum
Key: The username needs to have at least 3 characters and not more then 30 characters.

E-mail address is invalid
Module: Forum
Key: E-mailaddress is invalid

A minimum of 6 characters is required
Module: Forum
Key: Password need to contain at least 6 characters


We cannot process your registration. Please contact the moderator
Module: Common
Key: registration.spam_prevention.error


Your username appears to be a phone number. Please try another username.
Module: Forum


Your username contains restricted text. Please try another username.
Module: Forum
Key: validation.username.restricted.text


Private community registration page:


1.Let’s get started:
Module: Common
Key: privateState.register.title


2.Use the activation code…
Module: Common
Key: common.visibility.unlockregistration.description

3.Do you already have an account
Module: Common
Key: privateState.register.alreadyhaveaccount


4.Login link
Module: Common

5.Activation code
Module: Common
Key: Activationcode


Phrases for custom profile fields: 

Module: Common
Key: profilefield.visibility.private.label

2.Tooltip text
Module: Common
Key: profilefield.visibility.private.description



An easier way to change login and register pages is now available. While logged in as an admin you can change the phrases as you normally do by going to the following URLs

Login Page: your-community/member/login?live_edit=1

Registration Page: your-community/member/register?live_edit=1

*Note: the registration page does not work for private communities that use a registration code.


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55 replies

  • Helper ⭐️
  • 45 replies
  • December 5, 2019

7. Forgot password?
Module: common.loginBox.forgotPasswort
Key: Forgot password?


Under login page, there seems to be a typo for Passwort → Password. Or anyway Password worked for me :)

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 119 replies
  • December 5, 2019

Good spot! Thanks for letting us know. I think Julian was resorting to his native tongue :sweat_smile: I’ve changed it to ‘password’ now

  • Helper ⭐️
  • 45 replies
  • December 5, 2019

@Shane1 thanks for your quick response - actually I need help with one of the other ones listed here, for the error screen.

Invalid username / password
Module: Control
Key: Invalid username and/or password.


This one didn’t work for me, though I copied and pasted. I tried it twice in the staging environment with no luck.

Maybe it needs more time? but it worked immediately on the one I mentioned in the earlier post.

Any help appreciated, thanks!

  • Author
  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 907 replies
  • December 6, 2019


Thanks for flagging this - we have checked and it seems that this phrase does not work any more, it has been replaced by another one. Please try it with this:

Module: Common

Key: validation.login.invalid

This one will work… I have updated the post with the latest information now.

  • Helper ⭐️
  • 45 replies
  • December 6, 2019

@Julian thanks, it works :)

  • Contributor ⭐️
  • 2 replies
  • August 11, 2020

Hi Julian, are these keys still current. Our login Page layout differs from the one in the screenshot above and a lot of the phrases don’t seem to be working for us.

login.detail.title for example.

  • Author
  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 907 replies
  • August 11, 2020

Hi George,

your login page looks different as your community visibility is set to “private”. This topic handles the login modal for public communities. I will adjust the topic title & description so that this is more clear.

The text on your login page can actually be changed in the page where you change the platform visibility, it can be found in Control under [Settings] - [Platform visibility] or by adding this to the domain of your Control Environment: /settings/configuration/visibility


In this example it shows the placeholder text:



Am I correct with the assumption that your community is not live yet? Should you be interested in testing / changing the login modal for the public login, then you can either test it in your staging environment (which should be restricted by ip-address) or we put an ip-address restriction on your production environment, so that you can safely put the community to “public” without exposing anything.

Hope this helped!

  • Contributor ⭐️
  • 2 replies
  • August 11, 2020

Thanks J. That’s very helpful (and obvious once you know where to look 🙂 )
What about for other less common sign up flow pages such as the enter activation code page?



  • Helper ⭐️
  • 41 replies
  • December 2, 2020

Does anyone happen to know the Phrases for the text on this page? (notice I’m not logged in)



  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 344 replies
  • December 2, 2020

@mstone This should help you:

What you are looking for is:

Module: Forum
Key: error.403.title

Module: Forum
Key: error.403.guest

  • Helper ⭐️
  • 41 replies
  • December 3, 2020

Thanks @bjoern_schulze !!

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 44 replies
  • January 26, 2021

Is there a way to change this when you are using the SSO login option? It’s a pet peeve of mine when a button says Login (like go to the login page) instead of Log in (like go log in here).

From here:

...the information you use to sign into your email is your login (noun), and the page where you sign in is the login page (adjective). Log in is two words when it functions as a verb. For example, you log in with your login information.


  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 344 replies
  • January 27, 2021

@nicksimard I believe the phrases for the SSO login overlays are:

For the button
Module: Forum
Key: Login with oauth

For the title
Module: Common
Key: login.detail.title

For the description text
Module: Common
Key: sso.title

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 44 replies
  • January 27, 2021

Hey @bjoern_schulze!

Thanks for your reply. It doesn’t look like any of those change the text on the button in the nav menu, as far as I can tell.

What it does change is this (which I still appreciate):

But as far as this button in the mega menu widget, I’d love to know how to change it:

Thanks so much!

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 344 replies
  • January 28, 2021

@nicksimard Sorry, I wasn’t aware that you were referring to the mega menu. In this case the inSided team will have to step in as I can’t find the phrase (and it’s not possible to change the phrase in the frontend).

  • Author
  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 907 replies
  • January 28, 2021

I will have to look it up, pretty sure it is a phrase as well. I will add it to the list then and let you know.


I will also contact the product team regarding your feedback, as it seems we should be correcting this for all communities. Thanks for sharing this with us here!

  • Author
  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
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  • January 28, 2021

I have located the phrase now, will add it to the list at the top as well. Please manually enter this as a new phrase via Control, then it should work:

Module: Common

Key: main.navigation.login

We have adjusted this for inSpired already, and probably will change it for all soon together with other Mega Menu improvements.

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 59 replies
  • July 28, 2021

I’m trying to change the “Social Login” and “Login with SAML2” phrases here but can’t figure them out, and it doesn’t look like it’s listed anywhere here. 


  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️
  • 402 replies
  • August 13, 2021

@tiffany.oda Hello :wave:


Try out the following phrase for “Social Login”

Module: Common

Key: sso.title


And this one for “Login with SAML2”

Module: common.loginBox.loginFacebook

Key: Login with Saml2

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 59 replies
  • August 13, 2021

Thanks @olimarrio ! The “Social Login” one worked. The second one for the button text didn’t. 

  • 0 replies
  • August 13, 2021

@tiffany.oda I think the second one for SAML2 is:

Module: Common

Key: common.sso.oauth.login.saml

And you can use whatever phrase you want to appear as the button text.

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 59 replies
  • August 18, 2021

That worked, thanks @Scott Baldwin !!! You win my :trophy: of the day. Thank you! 

  • Contributor ⭐️
  • 2 replies
  • September 24, 2021

Are there phrases to change the wording on the forgot password page? We’ve tweaked the wording on the registration page but that now doesn’t match on the forgot password page. 

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️
  • 9 replies
  • September 24, 2021

@lfabbro, you can update the forgot password phrases using the below:


“Change your password” (header)

Module: Common 

Key: common.visibility.resetpassword.title


“Enter your username or email to receive an email with password reset instructions.”

Module: Common

Key: common.visibility.resetpassword.description


Hope this helps!

  • Contributor ⭐️
  • 2 replies
  • September 27, 2021

Sorry @adrienne maybe I should’ve been clearer. This is the bit we want to change:


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