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We recently implemented Salesforce Knowledge to track solutions to common workflow questions and troubleshooting scenarios. I'm curious to know if there is any integration or planned integration between Salesforce Knowledge and Gainsight PX. For example, if a Salesforce Knowledge article is created and accepted that information could be used to populate a guide or in-product doc via Gainsight PX without have to manually port over the information.


@john_apple great question!

Currently, following options are available:

  1. Add a link to your SalesForce Knowledge in the in-app engagement/ guide

  2. Add a CTA type button linking to SF Knowledge

  3. Add these SF Knowledge Links to the Knowledge Center Bot which users can access any time

For automated population, I'd let @mickey answer this further

Thank you! Could you example point #2 a little further?

As you can see in the image, this is a sample In-App Engagement with a "Button"/CTA which could bear link to your SF Knowledge Center, which would mean you can show an in-app engagement to a user and direct them to SF Knowledge Centre through this CTA.

Let me know if it clarifies.

Hi @john_apple Is there still a feature request here, from your perspective? Just doing some housekeeping… :)

@lila_meyer I think @harshibanka response answered the question
