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PX: Best Practices for migrating from Google Analytics to PX

Hi folks,


We have a team who currently use Google Analytics, and will be moving to PX shortly.  I haven’t been able to find any support docs or community posts relating to this process being completed before, but I’m interested to know if anyone in the community has made this switch before and can share any best practices or learnings they took away from the process?




3 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Hello @Stuart 
Thank you for posting on community!
Migration of data from Google analytics to PX should be possible using Data Loader, as long as the team can export the data and convert it. 
1) Team might need a custom dimension e.g. user_id to be included with the standard event export.
2) Team will also have to convert the date to epoc format for import.
Hope this helps.

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

Hey @Stuart , I was able to create this article based upon some of the functionality comparisons.

In my experience, the main challenge is around getting the users to understand the core differences between product analytics and web analytics, so that is where I focused.

If you have specific areas that you want me to zoom in on or refine and get more specific I am happy to do so!

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

As a former web ops lead, this sounds like a super interesting migration project. Best of luck. 
