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What kinds of Engagements have you created?

Hey fellow Gainsighters!  We are new to the crew here and curious about Engagements.  What are some types of engagements that you leverage?  Things like system outages, new release notifications, guides for new features, etc.  We are coming up with a list of possible types of engagements and were curious to see what kind of engagements have made sense for others.


Thanks in advance for any insight you might be able to provide!

Hi Mike,

Welcome! Happy to share some of the engagements we have set up:

  • General introduction to the hubs of our software (when a users logs into the hub for the first time)
  • New release notification (Slider engagement first time the users logs in after an update)
  • Short guides for new features (indicating what's new when the user navigates to the appropriate page or takes a linked action after update)
  • Short guides for key features (if a user has not users a key feature some time after first logging in)
  • NPS survey
  • Announcements for customer events, such as live online trainings

Excellent. Thanks so much @Jef Vanlaer.  Really appreciate the guidance!  Super helpful.

@Jef Vanlaer Thanks for helping Mike with his question!


@Mike Good I am sure you have seen our Engagements launched through PX, so those could give you some good examples of feature activation, onboarding new user, and new release announcement sliders.  Also, be sure to check out how we have implemented our Knowledge Center Bot in PX, since we include on-demand Engagements like onboarding Guides and new release information there too. 


Happy PX-ing! :)
