We're previewing this feature on inSpired ahead of its rollout for all customers on Branded templates.
We hope to make file attachments available to you soon!
What exactly will be available for the first release of file attachments?
- Attach files to individual posts (and delete them, if needed!). This'll be available in both the community frontend and Control.
- Configure whether users with the registered/superuser primary roles are able to upload files on the community.
What file types will be supported?
.pdf .zip, .xml, .txt, .csv, .doc/docx, .xls/xlsx, .ppt/pptx
What's the individual file size limit?
25 MB
Will I be able to make it so that only moderators/community managers/admins can upload files?
Yes. By default, standard community members will not be allowed to upload files. This will be configurable in Control (ability to turn file attachments on for registered users and/or superusers). We trust the inSpired community, so that's why you're also able to upload files here :)
Please reply below if you have more questions about this file attachments.
Or, please comment if you've got any other feedback about this feature (positive or negative 😁), after trying it out yourself on inSpired.