Hi there,
Q: How to find out a "Product Area ID" for each respective Product Area?
Use Case:
We are restructuring our Ideation Product Areas and we would like to change the Product Area of hundreds of Ideas - in bulk.
According to the API Documentation (see screenshot below) we could change each Idea’s product Area through an API Action → meaning we could do it in bulk with a Google Sheet and a Zapier Workflow.
The Documentation (see yellow box in the screenshot) talks about “Product Area ID” But where can I find it?
I looked everywhere in the backend but can only find the name of a Product Area, not an ID.
Can someone point me in the right direction?

Another question: for the string “id” does it mean the Topic ID for the Idea? (the one found at the end of the URL, or in the Topic Export).
Or is it a different type of ID?