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New Idea

More flexibility in setting CTA due dates in rules

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Alistair FIeld
Zach B
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    Alistair FIeld
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  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 64 replies
I would like to be able to pass in a date object to the CTA due date, then add or subtract from that CTA due date, when creating CTAs with rules. 

I have the following scenario:

In my success plan I list the customer's launch date as 1-15

My rule runs on 1-01

The rule fetches that launch date

The rule sets a CTA for the day before the launch date, launch date -1

The rule sets another CTA for the day of the launch date, launch date + 0

The rule sets another CTA for three days after the launch date, launch date +3

My rule runs on 1-02

It sees that the CTAs are already created and ignores that launch date. 

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  • 64 replies
  • December 8, 2017
I'm working around this currently by setting separate rules, it would be cleaner if I could take care of it in the same rule. To get the scenario above today I need three rules, if I want it to run with advanced scheduling. 

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️
  • 213 replies
  • December 9, 2017
Hi Scotty,

Giving flexibility for Customising Due date while creating CTA and Success Plans from Rules Engine is already in our roadmap. Will Share you an update once we decide on ETA.



  • Expert ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 1984 replies
  • December 11, 2017
Hi Scotty,

I might be missing something in your scenario here, but couldn't you just create a rule that runs on 1-01 and looks for any customers with a launch date of "rule run date + 14 days"? 

Then once you have that customer selected, you could create either a Success Plan template that has the appropriate time separation, or create individual CTAs using the rule run date to set the Due Date as follows in your scenario:

Run date + 13 days

Run date + 14 days

Run date + 17 days

This would get you CTAs that were due -1, 0 and +3 days relative to your launch date.

Does this help?

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  • 64 replies
  • December 11, 2017
Hey Dan,

That is a good point, but I want to design for the case where launch dates can be added with a little more flexibility. The rule would miss dates that were added < 13 days to the launch date. 

The benefit of passing through the launch date would be the flexibility to have launch dates added up to two days before the launch, same day if I run with aggressive scheduling. 

As it is, using multiple rules gives me a workaround. This would give me something easier to organize. 

Thanks for chiming in though!


  • Expert ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 1984 replies
  • December 11, 2017
That's a good point, Scotty. If you have use cases where new launches could be added up to a few days before the scheduled launch date, then it would probably make sense to run a second rule that would be a "final catch all" that would run the day before the first CTA would be due (just adjust your rule filter criteria and run date offsets accordingly). 

As long as you have the appropriate Reason and Type codes set, this second rule won't create duplicates for accounts that had the CTAs created at the 14 days prior timeframe.


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