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Roadmap update for Events

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 651 replies

First off: if you haven’t opted-in to the open beta for the Events improvements, head over to the Experimental Features page in Control and flip the switch 😉

Recently released

You may have noticed that the Event creation page looks a bit fresher. That’s because we spent some time improving the UX for event creation, where we touched the most common pain points, like the date and time picker. Can you spot the differences?

Up next

Up next, we’ll be focusing on some improvements to the Control and event management experience. In particular, we’ll focus on:

  • Saving events as draft
  • Duplicating events
  • Previewing events
  • Scheduling events
  • Adding pagination and filtering to the Events overview page
  • Showing the number of RSVPs on the overview page
  • Ability to delete Event types


After that, we’ll focus on making some improvements to the Events experience in Destination:

  • Adding customization mode to Events
  • Filter by Event type (and the ability to change the Event type phrase to anything you want)
  • Pagination on the overview page
  • Adding events to Google Calendar (already there), Outlook and Apple Calendar
  • Subscribing to Events

We’d love to hear your feedback on whatever we deliver, and you’ll be the first to know in this group. Stay tuned!

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7 replies

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️
  • 6 replies
  • August 1, 2023

Thanks, @Sebastian.

I’d love to be able to edit the event’s “time” to be able to stick to a specific timezone. Right now, when you set the time of an event, the event time changes depending on whatever timezone a member is viewing the event from. I could see this being beneficial for online events so that a member know what time the event is in their timezone. But for in-person events that people may travel to, it’s essential that the time displays in the exact time of the city the event is taking place in.


So for example, if I created a happy hour event in New York at 5:00pm ET, someone in Los Angeles would see that it starts at 2:00pm PT. If they were planning on flying out and attending, it would be confusing for them to see 2pm when in fact is starts at 5pm once they get to NY. 


If we could have the option to set a timezone as locked in or flexible, that would be awesome.

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️
  • 5 replies
  • October 23, 2023

  • Author
  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 651 replies
  • October 23, 2023

@atwilliamssb We’re currently working on show the user’s current timezone after the event time, to ensure that there’s no doubt about which timezone the event is in, and that it’s consistent. For now, it was a conscious decision not to mix event times being rendered in the user’s timezone and the event’s timezone to avoid confusion. For instance, after scrolling through nine events in their local timezone, they might assume that the tenth (physical) event is also in that timezone when it’s actually not.

How do you feel about these concerns? Do you have any examples of other websites doing this well?

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️
  • 134 replies
  • January 8, 2024

Re: Adding events to Google Calendar (already there), Outlook and Apple Calendar


Is there any way the Event description or our choice of text and hyperlinks could carry over to the Google Calendar (Outlook, Apple) invite?


I tested out the beta in my sandbox to find that “Click here to join the event: event url” was the default description. This feature could level up by allowing us to include an identifier and instructions in the description. 


Happy to create a feature request for this but since it’s in beta I wasn’t sure if that was the best route forward.

Ian Ferguson

Can you consider the option to switch off the calendar options which are on the event itself and again on the confirmation screen.

The problem is, we are connecting events via Zapier to Marketo, and we will deliver our own calendar event plus the all important webinar link, via email.

It is causing problems when the customer adds a calendar invite to their calendar and there’s no link in it. 


  • Helper ⭐️
  • 83 replies
  • February 20, 2024

Hi @Sebastian 

do you have current information on the roadmap timeline? 
We are eagerly anticipating the implementation of Subscribing to Events/Events notification. When can we expect this feature to be available?

Another question:
When do Experimental Features turn into regular features/leave the “experimental” phase?
Is it safe to use experimental features already on the productive (and not only staging) community?




  • Helper ⭐️⭐️
  • 45 replies
  • February 23, 2024
Ian Ferguson wrote:

Can you consider the option to switch off the calendar options which are on the event itself and again on the confirmation screen.

The problem is, we are connecting events via Zapier to Marketo, and we will deliver our own calendar event plus the all important webinar link, via email.

It is causing problems when the customer adds a calendar invite to their calendar and there’s no link in it. 


It’s the same for us. The marketing team has asked us to turn off calendar buttons/links because they want users to get them through the external registration tool.

I think it would be fine for in-community registration, but for external links, it’s a bit of a pain point.


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