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Email Opt Out Categories in Gainsight

Hi All,

One of the use cases we have heard from customers is the need to add more opt out categories within Gainsight. The paint points are listed below -

Keeping the above use cases in mind, please find below the approach we are internally thinking about for addressing the use cases - 

  1. Create Email Categories -

       2. Create Custom Email Preference Pages - As part of custom email preference page creation, you can choose the email categories and add it to the page. We are planning to allow multiple email subscription pages and configure the categories and personalize as per your need. This use case is primarily for organizations that sell multiple product lines or sell in different countries have a need for multiple preference centers. For customers who do not have this complexity , they can continue to add custom categories and use the default page for unsubscribe.

3.  Email Template Configuration - As part of email template , you can choose the category which the email belongs to and configure the unsubscribe page(in case you have multiple pages configured)

4. As part of program distribution in Journey Orchestrator , based on the user unsubscribe and the category of the email , we will decide if they can receive the email or not. 

We are looking for feedback on the above proposal and guide us with respect to whether the above approach will meet the use case of Testing program design. 
[i]Are there any other use cases which you felt we have missed?

As we are in the early stages of this design, things might become flexible in the future based on other considerations or use cases. :) 


Abhishek S
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10 replies

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 311 replies
  • August 6, 2018
Preferences are a great idea as long as the send logic looks at true/false values and not true/null. Nulls have the potential to suppress a lot of participants that don't ever visit that page, versus a false being a clear sign that they opted out. 

In Gainsight, we have the notion of opt in by default and only check for someone who has explicitly unsubscribed from emails before dropping them from programs/outreaches.

Is this what you were referring to when you said Null versus False?

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 311 replies
  • August 7, 2018
Hi Abhishek, I am referring more to the Email Categories and how it plans to function.

"based on the user unsubscribe and the category of the email , we will decide if they can receive the email or not. "

In every other tool I've used that offers an email preference center by category, they become opt-in email sends. Meaning, if a category is Newsletter, it will only send to users where Newsletter = true, but that only accounts for contacts that have visited and selected their preferences.

So I was pointing out that depending on how 'Gainsight decides if they receive the email or not' it should be Newsletter = true or null. Or Newsletter != false. If a contact submits the preference center and has empty checkboxes, the value for those should pass as false, not null. Does that make sense?

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 112 replies
  • August 13, 2018
We are looking forward to being able to handle opt-ins and opt-outs at a more granular level.

How does the above handle relationships? As you know, we use relationships to provide each brand autonomy. With the expansive set of products that we each handle, having a single set of categories may creation confusion to the users as well as limit us. It would be best to have the above process work by relationship.

As well, we group communications on separate products within a brand when possible. Therefore, we would need the capability to assign one or multiple categories to a template.

Thank you

Hi Diane,

The current thought is to not hard bound any categories or pages with account or relationship type.

Email categories will be a central repository just like we have Measure Library for scorecard.You can create and use categories and use it across multiple pages and then link the page to the email template. 

The reason we dont want to link it to account or relationship is -

a.  We want this solution to scale to use cases where opt out strategies are not relationship type based but geography or brand or any other basis based on your needs in the future.

b. By keeping this flexible , it will meet your use case of having each brand its own autonomy and associate pages and will also help even amongst the same brand to create more pages and use it.

With respect to categorization problem,

We will have label and categories for the opt out settings so that you can use the appropriate nomenclature.

For example , If you have two brands(Brand A and Brand 😎 who plan to use the same label - Promotions. You can name the label as Promotions and name the category as "Brand A - Promotions" and "Brand B - Promotions". To the end user , we will however show the label "Promotions".

In the future , if you decide to merge these brands , Brand A and Brand B and name it as Brand C , you can easily run rules  to merge the opt out categories for Brand A and Brand B and load to Brand C. 

the recommendation would be to have appropriate naming convention and address this use case.

With regards to the capability of assigning email template to multiple categories , its a good point. We will address this use case in the final design and make it a multi select checkbox rather than a radio button.

Hope this helps !

Abhishek S

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 112 replies
  • August 21, 2018
Perhaps I should mention that over here, one relati1 brand. And one brand has many products. That's why we were asking for more granularity as opting out shut the customer out of everything.

How do you propose we handle products? Each brand has multiple products, some of which customers are interested in. So if a customer is not interested in receive anymore any information about a given product, how do they indicate so when they opt out?

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 10 replies
  • October 3, 2018
Is there any plan to allow for the URL redirect to have a vanity URL instead of showing a Gainsight link? It's very confusing to customers who want to Opt-Out from our communication and they see Gainsight. I need this page to reference my company in the URL.

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 311 replies
  • February 5, 2019
Hi Abhishek - is there a broad timeline on the availability of this feature?

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 112 replies
  • February 5, 2019
Kelly - it was delivered two weeks ago!!! Check it out!

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 311 replies
  • February 5, 2019
I even checked the community and the release notes(!) before I commented but somehow missed it in there, thanks for confirming! Must have been reading too quickly :D


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