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Stop a topic from appearing in unanswered questions


Hey everyone! We are making use of the Unanswered Questions page in our community to surface questions for our members to answer. 


However, there are some topics we do not wish to populate in that page. Examples include, 

  • OP asked something and we replied to get more information. It’s been weeks and OP has not replied back, there is nothing to select as a best answer.
  • OP posted a question with a poll with no replies, so you can not select a best answer.


If you close the topic, it just stops members from replying, and it continues to be surfaced in Unanswered Questions. The most effective workaround I’ve found is converting the topic from a question to a conversation. This makes it so the topic no longer appears in Unanswered Questions.


Has anyone else encountered this dilemma? How are you solving for it in your moderation plan?

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