The third quarter of the year has ended, and we wanted to share our quarterly review to run through the great ideas on inSpired which we investigated, worked on, and delivered in the last quarter .
The aim of the review is to highlight what’s changed on the inSided platform in the last quarter based on the ideas that you have submitted, voted for, and to which you contributed replies.
This Q3 our main focus was be to act on your feedback and ideas 🚀.
Quick stats for inSpired ideas in Q3 2021
9 ideas delivered
112 new ideas created
122 votes delivered
651 votes added
So once again, a big thank you to everyone on inSpired who has shared ideas and voted on other customer ideas - the product team massively appreciates the insights and feedback you’ve given us over the last quarter
Ideas we delivered
The following 9 ideas you submitted on inSpired have been delivered or partially delivered, with a total of 122 votes delivered in Q2 2021.
Thanks to all of our brilliant idea contributors :