With the Knowledge Base overview page, your end-users can see at one glance all the content that is hosted on you Knowledge Base and easily find the content they are looking for.
Customize the KB overview page
- Access the page by either:
- Going in Control Platform> Knowledge Base. You can click the link "Customize"

- Or adding to your community URL " .../knowledge-base". For example https://community.insided.com/knowledge-base
- Make sure to add a visual and a title to your hero banner
- You can configure your KB widget to show only parents categories OR parent and child categories. That second option is particularly interesting if you have a limited number of parent categories.

You can access this setting in the configuration side panel of the KB widget.

- Feel free to use any other widgets on this page.
The following widgets are available on the page: Quick links, Featured topics, Recommendations, HTML widget.

Update the Phrases:
You can update the name of the page in the breadcrumb using phrases
The phrase set in the breadcrumb will be applied in the Mega Menu.
Once you enable the page for end users, the page will be accessible from the Mega Menu. You can also update the phrase from the Mega Menu as well.

If you are using the old navigation menu. We are not investing in building new features in the old navigation menu. We strongly recommend using the new Mega Menu to make the best use of the KB overview page.
Make the page visible to you end users
Once your page is configured, go to Control in Platform> Knowledge Base. Click the button “Make overview page visible to end users now”.
By clicking this button, the KB overview page will be accessible to all users who have access to at least one KB category. They will also see the link to the KB overview page appear in the Mega Menu.
Of course the permissions settings at the level of the KB categories still apply. On the KB overview page, end users will only see link to the categories they have access to. This is the same behavior that we currently have on the homepage.