I’m excited to announce a new Gainsight End User Certification! The new certification is designed to validate understanding of the core concepts and most common CSM tasks in the Gainsight CS application.
More information about the topics covered, retake policy, etc., is on the certification page and in the exam description on GS Univ. The cost is $70 per person, but the first 25 people to use the coupon endusercert-launch25 by Jan. 31st will save $25. Customers who take our free End User elearning on GS Univ, and/or who take our instructor-led custom End User training will be prepared to pass the exam. After earning the certification, you’ll receive a Credly digital badge (within 1 week) to share on your LinkedIn profile or in your email signature.
We've also launched new end user practice exercises and an option to request access to a training environment for those who may not have a login to Gainsight.
Now, go forth and share this news with all of your CSM friends! 😁