Hi @nicolehajek,
I think this may be along the lines of what you’re looking for:
We have a dashboard for our CSM “monthly check-in” emails that pulls in emails where the program name contains “Check” (and yes, I realize another program name containing check could mess with this).
The dashboard as a whole can be filtered by the CSMs at a few fields, including Account Name, CSM Name, Consultant Name, Program Name, and Email Send Time.
Reports included are:
- Email opens/clicks over time (line graph showing monthly numbers) for both)
- # of AO emails sent MoM by account
- Email history with user details (includes program name, variant name, open and click info, bounces, unsubs, undelivered, spam info as well as account name, CSM name, recipient email address, and email send time
- CSM account contacts (check-in recipient preview)
Does this help? It’s not as graphical as the program analytics, but it’s accessible for the CSXs.
Thank you so much! this definitely helps!! I really appreciate it, I will ask if I have questions while building the dash :)
Happy to help! If you have specific questions, @kstim would be a good source of information as well, I believe she was the one who built out that dashboard to begin with. But I’m happy to help if I can!