Some good insight on the (***current state - potential for change***) from @Dick. The specific answer to my question seems to be this part:
In all of the above cases, an in-app notification will be sent after each reply.
That validates what I was seeing and is good news IMO.
More details from @Dick
It is correct that in app notifications are sent regardless of the settings. The idea is that settings only apply to email notifications.
There is a setting that can enable an email after each reply in a topic the user is subscribed to. By turning this on the user receives an email after each reply. Turning it off will only send an email notification if the user visited the topic between a new reply and the time the last email notification for this subscription was sent. Another setting is to disable all email notifications for topic subscriptions. In all of the above cases, an in-app notification will be sent after each reply.
Another thing is that when a user is mentioned in a reply to a topic that same user is subscribed to, the user will receive a mention notification instead of the new reply notification. If the user opted out for mention email, the user (given the user is opted in for topic subscription emails), will receive a topic replied email notification and a user mentioned in app notification.
When a user is mentioned, a mention notification will always replace the other notification which can be a topic replied, topic created, product update published or a idea submitted notification.
Note that currently in app messages are only enabled for mentions and topic replied notifications. More types will be added in the upcoming period. Maybe somehow related to resetting notifications… in app notifications will remain visible for 3 months.