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Handling multi currency conversion in Non aggregate reports

  • September 9, 2020
  • 7 replies

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️
  • 6 replies

Customer wants to build a simple non- aggregated report on Opportunity object to view expansion Opportunities of current quarter. Since they have multiple currencies it is not possible to view opportunities based on the revenue field when sorting. 

Even if I use ranking to pull top ‘N’ opportunities based on revenue field, it is ranking based on the numbers ignoring the monetary values.

Though this can be achieved by creating SFDC formula field to convert and store all currencies in single currency or by building a rule to convert all of them to corporate currency, it would be great if there is option with in report builder to select the currency for currency data type fields, so that all the values get converted to selected currency and makes it flexible to add these reports in dashboards.


Best answer by jean.nairon

@pgeorge, Does a customer need to have multi-currency enabled in both SFDC and GS? I would expect so but just wanted to double check.

@Jyothsna - if your customer is using multi-currency in SFDC and is on the SFDC version, they could use the converted fields to show the main corporate currency. In SFDC, when you use multi-currency, you get the regular Amount field and the Amount (converted) field. The regular Amount field shows the currency in which the data was entered. For example, if the opportunity was entered in CAD, it would show in CAD here. If the corporate currency is USD, the Amount (converted) field will show the amount in USD. 

So, if your customer is in the SFDC version, they could create the report with the Amount (converted) field to show the data in the corporate currency. They will unfortunately not be able to show the local currency but it will at least be normalized. 

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  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️
  • 232 replies
  • September 15, 2020

Hi @Jyothsna 


Is multi-currency enabled for their Gainsight instance? Have they moved to the new currency support? 


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  • 6 replies
  • September 16, 2020

@pgeorge Customer is on salesforce edition, not sure if multi-currency feature is enabled for SDFC customers as well. I read in some thread that they are implementing some migration framework for enabling this functionality for existing customers, is there a way to check that?

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️
  • 232 replies
  • September 22, 2020

Hi @Jyothsna 

The tenant is not in the new currency support. 

In the new currency support, the flat reports will be shown in the local currency. The option to show in a single currency in flat reports is a part of the roadmap. 


Thank you


  • Expert ⭐️
  • 421 replies
  • Answer
  • September 29, 2020

@pgeorge, Does a customer need to have multi-currency enabled in both SFDC and GS? I would expect so but just wanted to double check.

@Jyothsna - if your customer is using multi-currency in SFDC and is on the SFDC version, they could use the converted fields to show the main corporate currency. In SFDC, when you use multi-currency, you get the regular Amount field and the Amount (converted) field. The regular Amount field shows the currency in which the data was entered. For example, if the opportunity was entered in CAD, it would show in CAD here. If the corporate currency is USD, the Amount (converted) field will show the amount in USD. 

So, if your customer is in the SFDC version, they could create the report with the Amount (converted) field to show the data in the corporate currency. They will unfortunately not be able to show the local currency but it will at least be normalized. 

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️
  • 232 replies
  • January 27, 2021

@jean.nairon It would depend on which object the report is being built on. For MDA Objects, it is required for Multi-currency to be enabled for both SFDC and GS.


@Jyothsna The best work around would be the post from @jean.nairon 

We are working on prioritizing the view as single currency type in our roadmap. I will keep you posted on the timelines.

Thank you


  • Helper ⭐️
  • 167 replies
  • February 1, 2022

@pgeorge was there any update on showing the converted number at a non-aggregated report level? Similar to in SFDC where you can select either Currency field or Currency (Converted) field. 


  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 64 replies
  • March 29, 2023

Is there any update on this? I would love to have a ARR (as EUR/USD/AUD) and ARR Converted (as Corp Currency) for just flat reports. 


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