How To Configure the 'Is your problem solved?' Automated Email

  • 14 October 2020
  • 10 replies


How to configure the automation rule for the ‘Is your problem solved?’ email

Note: you must be have the community manager/administrator primary role to configure this rule.

  1. Go to Control > Settings > Automation Rules.
  2. Under ‘Ask end users to mark best answer via email’, turn on the switch.
  3. Configure when you want the emails to be sent (the number of days after which a topic has been inactive - i.e. no new replies have been added).
  4. Press save changes.
  5. You’re all set!

How to configure the ‘Is your problem solved’ email template

  1. Go to Control > Email > System Emails.
  2. Press ‘Edit’ on the ‘Is your problem solved?’ email template.
  3. Edit the template to your heart’s content. See below for a list of variables you can use - don’t forget to hit ‘Save changes’ when you’re done.
Variable Description Where can it be used? Example
{username} The username of the question author. Email body daniel.boon
{question_title} The title of the question. Email subject and email body How do I set up an automation rule?
{question_url} The url of the question Email body

⚙️More details around how the rule works

  • There must be at least one visible (i.e. not trashed) reply from a user who is not the question author for the email to be sent.
  • If a best answer is marked already, the the email won’t be sent.
  • If a best answer is marked and then unmarked, then the email won’t be sent.

  • If the question is trashed, then the email will not be sent.

  • If the question is converted to a conversation or a reply, then the email will not be sent.

  • The email will never be sent to the question author more than once.

One additional note: this automation rule will only be applied to questions created after you set up the rule.

📭 End user opt out 

End users can opt out of this email using the existing profile setting: “Receive email notifications from your topic subscriptions”. If a user unsubscribes from the individual question itself, then the email will also not be sent.

10 replies


This might be a silly question, but who will receive this email @daniel.boon?

But in order to phrase this email correctly, I need to make sure will this email be sent to the original question author or anyone who has posted a reply to this question topic (including the original question author)?


This might be a silly question, but who will receive this email @daniel.boon?

But in order to phrase this email correctly, I need to make sure will this email be sent to the original question author or anyone who has posted a reply to this question topic (including the original question author)?

After rethinking, this must be going to the original question author only….


That’s correct @Suvi Lehtovaara - the email goes to the original question author only :)


Question: Will this email be sent out X days after the last activity (which could be publishing the question) or X days after the last comment was published? I’m asking because I wouldn’t want to email a user asking “Is your problem solved?” when no comment has been posted that could have solved the question.

Another question: If the solution has been marked (either by someone else than the original question author or the author) before the X days are over, then the email won’t be sent, correct?


Another question: If the solution has been marked (either by someone else than the original question author or the author) before the X days are over, then the email won’t be sent, correct?


Question: Will this email be sent out X days after the last activity (which could be publishing the question) or X days after the last comment was published? I’m asking because I wouldn’t want to email a user asking “Is your problem solved?” when no comment has been posted that could have solved the question.

There must be at least one visible (i.e. not trashed) reply from a user who is not the question author for the email to be sent → i.e. X days after the last reply (from a user who is not the topic author) was created.


Great, thanks for the quick response, @daniel.boon!


We tested this option, but setting (onoff) is not saved in the admin area after page refresh. Why?


@stanislav.fedoseev FYI


Hey @Danila, thanks for your question - we recently resolved a bug where the setting would not display the saved changes on refresh (even though the setting was saved/activated). Can you check again and let me know if you’re still not able to see the setting configured correctly?

Yes, already fixed. Thanks!


There must be at least one visible (i.e. not trashed) reply from a user who is not the question author for the email to be sent → i.e. X days after the last reply (from a user who is not the topic author) was created.

@daniel.boon as per your answer above, I feel as though for B2B the only option possible becomes 7 days because it is the only one that ensures the email will be sent on a weekday since it will be the same day as an action was taken, might be worth having the option to select working days only so that it can be set to 1-6 days without risking the email being sent on a weekend.
