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Notifications - add time based notification option

Related products:CC Gamification & EngagementCC Notifications & Subscriptions
  • November 19, 2019
  • 2 replies
  • sai_ram
  • andreammelde

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 31 replies

Hi all,

notifications are a powerful way to (re)engage your community members.

So I want to expand on @Moller Toma ‘s idea of Notification email to moderator/community manager as soon as there is a new community member


I think the approach to welcome new members involve them has huge potential to keep a larger amount of users engaged over time. So we definitely want to know when new members join and be able to “onboard” them along our engagement funnel.


However, we have a large community and individual welcomes are not feasible for us - so we want to propose a solution that can work with any size of community: 

Time-triggered notifications


What are time-triggered notifications?

  • These are notifications which are sent to members as per the timing the community admin defines
  • Their content is set up by the community admin
  • The trigger “time” can be AND combined with other parameters, e.g. “registration date” or “role achievement” or “article authored” etc.



  • I want to welcome all my new community members and help them during their first steps in the community, So, as community admin, I set up a notification for “registration date plus 0 days”, in the notification I include my welcome, some tips etc.
  • Also, in my community, I notice that the activity of users is sharply dropping off 3 days after they registered, so I create a notification “registration date plus 3 days” and create my message to say “hey, we haven’t seen you around, I hope you found what you have been looking for - now it would be great if you can let others know what was the solution to your issue or maybe share your knowlege [link]!”
  • I also want to re-engage users, so I create a “community-birthday” notification, which is sent to all users for “registration plus 1 year”
  • To boost people morale (same direction as @Arakou with Notification Right Answer ), I want to congratulate members who have contributed an article, so I set up a notification “article publication plus 10 days” to say “Congratulations on your article, check out [here] how many people have already read it!”
  • etc

What impact do we expect from time-triggered notifications?

We know that the attention-period of users is very limited, typically 0-3 days after registration or 3 days around thread-creation etc.

Therefore, we want to target this window of opportunity:

  • For the community manager: to help their users (onboarding), showcase the value of the community and the interaction with the community.
  • For the users: receiving information taylored to their community-journey, increases the relevancy, usability and connection with the community.





2 replies

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 174 replies
  • November 19, 2020

Would love this. I’m currently manually doing this one:

  • I also want to re-engage users, so I create a “community-birthday” notification, which is sent to all users for “registration plus 1 year”

I do love the new “mark your question answered” one. 

I’d also love something that prompts people to come back after being inactive for a set period of time. It’d be nice to have a “there are X new topics since you’re last visit” etc.

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️
  • 6 replies
  • November 16, 2022

This is a great idea! We’re looking at how to improve user activation, and being able to delay or resend activation notifications ourselves would be really useful.


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