In reading this other idea I learned that voting on an idea doesn’t subscribe the voter to the idea. I was quite surprised by this as I’d figured this was how the system worked.
I recently had an experience where I posted what I expected would be a received update on an idea. Only 2 of the 14 voters engaged with the update, which included questions. I’m guessing now it’s because I mentioned the 2 of them by name and they got the notification from my update. I know for certain a number of other voters on that idea have been active in the Community since my update.
Why is this a concern? One of the major benefits of a Community style feedback system is to be able to communicate in a 1:many fashion and avoiding chasing people down. For this to work, users must be engaged with the discussion and get updates about new contributions. Many users see feedback, and if they don’t have something to add to the conversation, they’ll simply vote and carry on, not realizing they need to do something else to get updates. If the alternative is mentioning people to ensure they see the update, that has me quite worried about the ideas we have with 50+ votes, there’s no way we can mention everyone on those.