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Coming soon: Email Campaigns

Related products: CC Notifications & Subscriptions
Coming soon: Email Campaigns

This feature is now in opt-in open beta! You can opt-in from the Experimental features page in Control.

Over the past few months, we’ve been hard at work on our new Email Campaigns feature 🎉 Today, we’re excited to open up our beta program to those who’d like to give Email Campaigns a spin! By joining the waiting list, you can sign up for early access to this feature.

Email Campaigns

This new Email Campaigns feature allows you to craft compelling emails that you can use for a variety of use cases. For example:

  • Send out a monthly community digest or newsletter to all your users (or a specific segment of users)

  • Create an onboarding flow that sends out emails 7, 14 or 30 days after registration

  • Create re-engagement campaigns to all users that haven’t been active for more than 30 days

  • Encourage users to join a group if they haven’t joined a group in the first 30 days



  • Create emails easily (using our wysiwyg editor you’re used to)

  • Customize the branding of your email campaigns

  • Select recipients based on user properties (eg. role, registration date, last activity, groups)

  • Send a one-off email or make it an automated email (eg. for onboarding or reactivation emails)

  • View email metrics (eg. sent, delivered, opened, clicks, etc.)

Why Email Campaigns?

We want to offer our customers all the tools to make sure you can build a successful and vibrant community. One part of that is making sure the community experience itself is as engaging as can be (sneak peek: Notification Center coming up), but the other part is making sure that you can keep community members up to date on all the latest and greatest and invite them back to your thriving community. That’s where our new Email Campaigns feature comes into play.

Rollout plan

  • Phase 1: Closed beta (gradual)
    In the first phase, we’ll gradually roll out the feature to customers that have signed up for the waiting list

  • Phase 2: Open beta
    In the following months, we’ll allow all customers to opt-in for the Email Campaigns feature.

You can sign up for the waiting list here

Let us know!

What would you like to use the Email Campaigns feature for? What use cases are you most looking forward to addressing? Let us know and inspire others!

Tried to sign up and got the message below. How can we sign up for early access?


@Hannah Bailey @Melissa Meyer My apologies, I’ve updated the form permissions to allow people from outside inSided to reply :)

For those of us considering the beta it’d be good to know pricing information. Is this going to be a standard feature or a paid add-on? 

We’re sending our first email campaign soon and have been really excited to get to work with this feature :) 

@DannyPancratz We aim to make this feature included in all Business and Enterprise packages. However, during the beta program period we will be evaluating whether Email Campaigns will involve additional costs when sending large volumes of email. During the beta there will be no additional costs involved. I hope this answers your question for now.

We’re sending our first email campaign soon and have been really excited to get to work with this feature :) 

@security_lion We’re looking forward to your experience and results. Good luck!

This is really exciting!

YES! Yes please!

Looking forward to this. Wanted to make sure i haven't missed the email for the beta testing?

I’d love to use this as a reactivation feature for some of our members that joined when we first launched, and have been active within the last 2 - 3 months (if not longer)  :)

We do pilots for new products and I think this could be very useful by sending the testers update mails about the pilot. Can it be used for that purpose?

We would love to be able to schedule email campaigns to be sent out after our successful deployments and to be able to send these emails to the same list of users who subscribed to our product updates page. 

We do pilots for new products and I think this could be very useful by sending the testers update mails about the pilot. Can it be used for that purpose?

Hi @Paul_, thanks for sharing your use case.
And YES! you indeed can use it for targeting a specific group of members. Which in your case are: Pilot testers X as an Custom Role

You can select recipients based on user properties (eg. (custom) role, registration date, last activity, groups).

I think this is a very good opportunity to join our Beta testing. You can sign up for the waiting list here 😊 

Signed up. Would love to test this feature!

We’re very eager to use this feature on my team Roughly how long does it take to get access to the beta, after signing up for the waitlist?

Still new to the platform but was told by our rep when we purchased that this functionality was already in place...I’m a little frustrated that I don’t have access yet as creating an onboarding flow and a monthly digest email were big parts of our engagement strategy. When will this feature be made widely available?

Still new to the platform but was told by our rep when we purchased that this functionality was already in place...I’m a little frustrated that I don’t have access yet as creating an onboarding flow and a monthly digest email were big parts of our engagement strategy. When will this feature be made widely available?

@KrisGoose Thanks for bringing it up! The functionality’s in place, but it’s currently in closed beta for a smaller group of customers. While we work hard to get it into an open beta state where everyone can opt-in, let me discuss with your CSM what we can do here. 

Still new to the platform but was told by our rep when we purchased that this functionality was already in place...I’m a little frustrated that I don’t have access yet as creating an onboarding flow and a monthly digest email were big parts of our engagement strategy. When will this feature be made widely available?

@KrisGoose Thanks for bringing it up! The functionality’s in place, but it’s currently in closed beta for a smaller group of customers. While we work hard to get it into an open beta state where everyone can opt-in, let me discuss with your CSM what we can do here. 

Appreciate the response on this @Sebastian, This was definitely a key decision point for us in going with inSided over the “other guys” *wink wink*. Sucks it’s not live BUT hopefully it will be widely available by the time our community goes live in Jan

Hey @Sebastian just wondering when I might get access so I can start playing around with this?

@Sebastian updates about this feature???

I think I have requested access as well? I need this feature in following weeks.

Hey there @Sebastian ! So *very* excited to see this being rolled out.

Quick question (that will determine if I have additional questions!): With the Beta roll out, how many features are in place now vs will be added later? Is there any additional detail you can share about when we could expect full functionality from the list you added above? 


Again, our team is chomping at the bit to build and send these, and so pumped that InSided is launching this feature! 


Hi @rsilvano! Thanks for your feedback!

The beta rollout currently includes all features listed, except for automated campaigns. That’s something that we’re wrapping up now and about to make available to all beta customers. 

Other than that, we’ve got a backlog with many small improvements that we’ll be working on the following weeks, so stay tuned!

Hi @Sebastian! My IT team is blocking me from filling out your form, what is the best route for me to join the waitlist for beta on this feature? Sequoia is super excited about this feature!! 

Hi @Sebastian! My IT team is blocking me from filling out your form, what is the best route for me to join the waitlist for beta on this feature? Sequoia is super excited about this feature!! 

I’ll add you to the waitlist manually. Stay tuned!