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Virtual Customer Advisory Meeting - Understanding the current process for distributing the surveys through JO and validate the use cases handled in the new program editor

Virtual Customer Advisory Meeting - Understanding the current process for distributing the surveys through JO and validate the use cases handled in the new program editor

Hi Community! We need your feedback via a Virtual Customer Advisory Meeting with our Product Management team


What is the VCAM about?

  • To understand the current process for distributing the surveys through JO and validate the use cases handled in the new program editor

What is the Agenda of the VCAM? 

  • Feedback on the existing Survey distribution experience using JO
  • Validate the design assumptions for the new Survey distribution experience
  • Understand if the design is intuitive for new admins

What is the outcome of this VCAM?

  • To validate on the new Survey UX for JO

Who is the right person to Enroll?

  • Frequently uses JO survey model or has used JO survey models with reminders and/or escalations emails.

When is this happening?

  • Wednesday, Dec 14th, 2022 - 11:00 AM ET/ 8:00 AM PT/ 9:30 PM IST

What should you do?

Please register for the session to the slots provided using this form. We will reply with a calendar invitation. If you are unable to use Google forms due to company restrictions you can email to sign up. 

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