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This article guides control users, including community managers, administrators, and moderators on how to create new events and edit existing events.


Events help community managers to drive engagement in the community. They provide a space for all community users to gather,share and collaborate, while also providing a platform for community managers to promote their upcoming events and increase participation. Using events, community managers can facilitate knowledge sharing, build lasting relationships, drive product adoption and advocacy, highlight customer success stories, and much more.

Create an Event

To create an event:

  1. Log in to Control.
  2. Navigate to + > New Events. The new event page appears.
  3. In the Details pane, provide the following information:
    • Event name: Enter a name for the event.
    • Event type: Select the event type. Five default event types are available that can be configured as per your community requirements. For more information on configuring event types, refer to the How to Configure Event Types article.
    • Location: Specify whether the event is online or in-person. If you leave this field blank, Online Event is displayed as default.
  1. In the Timezone pane, select the event time. When a date is selected, the event start and end time is automatically filled with an hour difference in between.
  2. In the Registration pane, select one of the following options:
    • Community Event: Select this option if you want community users to register for an event through the Events page in your community.
      • (Optional) Confirmation message: Enter an event related message that community users will receive upon registration.
  • External Event: Select this option if you want community users to register on an external page for an event hosted by a third-party.
    • Registration button text: Enter the custom text for the button that will be available on the Events page.
    • Registration URL: Provide the external link where community users can complete their registration. 
  1. In the Description pane, provide the following information:
    • Event image: Upload an image for the event based on the defined criteria.
    • Event description: Enter a detailed description to give community users insights about the event.
    • (Optional) Link text: Enter a display text for a link where community users can get more information about the event.
    • (Optional) Link URL: Enter the URL for the link text entered above.
  1. In the Visibility pane, select one of the following options:
    • Public Event: Select this option if you want this event to be publicly visible and accessible.
    • Group Event: Select this option if you want to limit visibility and accessibility only to members of the selected group.

Note: Once the event is published in a private or hidden group, you need to ensure that the event is visible to users of that group. For more information on promoting events in a private or hidden group, refer to the Promote Events in a Private or Hidden Group article.

  1. In the Feature topics pane, provide the link to a topic that you want event attendees to access before or after the event.
  1. To publish the event, click Publish now.
  2. (Optional) To publish the event at a later date, click Save as draft.

Edit an Event

To make changes in an existing event:

  1. Navigate to Platform > Events. The Events page appears.
  2. Select the event you want to edit.
  3. (Optional) To export the CSV file with attendee details, click Download attendee list.
  4. Make the required changes.
  5. Click Save Changes.

Note: Settings under the Registration and Visibility panes cannot be changed after the event is created and published.

Duplicate an Event

Duplicating an event is beneficial for creating similar events with consistent details that allows you to save time and ensure accuracy by reusing the existing event's settings and content. To duplicate an existing event, on the Events page, click the Duplicate button. A new duplicate event is created in the draft mode.

Note: All event settings, except those in the Time pane, are prefilled in the duplicate event.

Consider the image below: a duplicate of the CS Strategy Summit 2024 event is created. The duplicate event title includes the suffix (copy), and the event is in Draft status.

Manage Event Types

Five default event types are available, such as Conference, Meetup, Webinar, Virtual Workshop, and Virtual Conference. You can customize the existing event types or create new event types. 

To access the Event Types page:

  1. Navigate to Platform > Events. The Events page appears. 
  2. Click Manage Event Types. The Event Types page appears.

For more information on configuring event types, refer to the How to Configure Event Types article.

If you have any queries or feedback, please drop an email to or post a reply to this article.


@Katie_ray it doesn’t need to be more than a few characters. Check that you don’t have any other errors on the page when setting up the event.

Is there any way to save a draft of the event before publishing it?

@mbonnell there isn’t. You should vote up my idea: 



we would like to plan events where registration is required. These are exclusive events (only for accounts, not open), so only invited contacts from the closed community are allowed to attend. It must not be possible to forward the event link with the invitation!
The participants are also not allowed to see the emails of the other participants (data protection) How is this shown?

Thx, Cathleen

Is there an option to rename the Events page? We house a lot of event replays on our events page and our users could more easily find what they’re looking for if our Events page was called “Events and Replays”.

You can rename it on the page via Phrases. Just toggle Phrases on and adjust as needed. If you’re wanting to retitle it in your menu, that’s a different place, but can also be done.

Keep in mind that the events page, only shows the last 25 events, so it’s not the best place currently to house your replays as they will progressively disappear.

@Scott Baldwin Good to know. I wasn’t aware of the event limit. Is there a feature update in the works to increase this limit?

Also, could you provide some guidance in case I wanted to retitle the events page in the menu?

@JessicaMendez Not sure if it will be addressed with @Sebastian’s forthcoming event changes, but I hope so. I do know pagination and the ability to show more here was one of the requests I’ve shared with the inSided team.

If you want to re-title in the menu you can select the CUSTOMIZE button, select the menu, then change the text to whatever you want it to appear as. This page covers the details:


Thank you @Scott Baldwin ! Can I confirm that there is a maximum of 25 upcoming events and 25 past events?

That’s my understanding from inSided’s Support team @JessicaMendez 

Hi @JessicaMendez! As @Scott Baldwin mentioned, we’re close to improving the Events overview to support pagination (as well as in Control) and allowing users to filter by event type to improve browsing through larger amounts of events. Stay tuned!

Our webinar registration links become on-demand links post event. Will adding the registration link in the link text keep in there when the event comes past? Or is the only way to keep the link is to add it in the ‘Event description’?

Hey @ryanne.perry,

I’ve tried adding it to the event description post the event and they’ve always worked great. Especially useful if you also have unfurling videos from YT or Vimeo - they unfurl beautifully for the members to watch it there itself. 

Please correct me if i’m wrong in understanding your query about the text reg link part - i think you meant the one on the right panel of the individual event in user end / one you fill up right below event description in control panel?

Looks like that one is still active post the event, and editable post the event in the control panel. Attaching a sample of a past event on our event page and how i’ve edited it to show as ‘Recording here’ with the video recording. I’ve never tried this until today, but it seems like it works great!

Thank you for clarifying, @revathimenon! It looks like I cannot update the event registration link but I can update the link text and link url. That was where my disconnect was. 

What is the image size for events?

Hello @VarshaAhir 👋🏽,

The event image size is 1200*600px - you should be able to see the same on the control panel in the event description area.

Hope this is what you were looking for 🙂


Hi @VarshaAhir 👋,

Event image

Maximum file size: 5M. Allowed image types: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif. We recommend a minimum of 1200*600px

Let me know if this helps!

Hi @revathimenon and @olimarrio, thank you for your response. The thumbnail image in that size looks fine but when clicked on that specific image, the same image tends to look all cropped up. Here is the snapshot


Hey @VarshaAhir 

I was doing a little bit of digging and I hear you on the cropped part because it’s something we are trying to tackle here as well. After playing around a little bit, I’d suggest keeping a design safeline/guideline of 100 px from top and bottom & around 250-300 px from the sides to ensure the content is placed well in the middle of the event banner. 

This should ideally help the thumbnail to appear clean with no content being cut off. Hoping this works out for you!

Is it possible to create on demand events? 

Hey @Thomas Deely - events are designed to happen at a specific date and time, so it’s not possible to create an event without those fields.  But what you can do is include a recording of an event in the description after the fact, making it effectively on-demand for visitors who come across it later.  If you want to have a video that is purely on-demand it might make more sense to simply embed it in a community topic.  You can still position it as an on-demand event by creating a title for the topic along those lines.

thanks, I have also seen the beginning and end date spaced a month apart which creates an on demand effect

@Thomas Deely Ah yes, that’s a neat idea - hadn’t come across that before.  :)
