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Coming soon: new moderation overview will become the default view in Control

Related products:CC Moderation


Update 31 Aug 13:05 CEST

The new moderation overview is now the default moderation overview for all Control users. Please let us know any feedback you have in the replies!

Next week on Monday 31st August at ~11AM CEST we will bring the new moderation overview out of beta and make it the default moderation overview for all Control users.

Read on to find out:

  • What improvements we’ve made since launching the beta.
  • Whether you can still use the old overview for now (spoiler: yes).
  • What’s next for the moderation overview.

What improvements have been made to the new moderation overview since the launch of the beta?

Here’s a recap of the improvements we’ve delivered since launching the moderation overview in beta at the beginning of June:

:white_check_mark: Improved reliability of the data on the overview (for example: when topics are trashed, or moved).

:white_check_mark: A responsive table design and UX, and the ability to customise the columns to display.

:white_check_mark: Even more filters and columns, including old favourites: unread by team (‘status’) column, moderation label column, filter by ‘unassigned moderator’, filter by best answer marked, sort by publish date, and more.

:white_check_mark: Bulk actions: close, trash, and change the category of several topics at once.

:white_check_mark: Ability to delete custom views.

Our most important investment since launching the beta has been to improve the data reliability of the new moderation overview. Thanks to your feedback during the beta, we identified where we weren’t keeping topics up to date. We’ve now resolved all of these issues. Topics are up to date instantly, meaning you can focus your moderation efforts on the right content.

Can I still use the old overview?

Yes, for now you can still use the old overview. Simply press ‘switch to old version’. We’ll remember your preference for the duration of your browser session.

Hit ‘Switch to old version’ to use the old moderation overview.

Your old saved filters are also still accessible. These are now displayed in a combined list alongside your custom views saved via the new overview; old saved filters are identifiable via a grey warning sign.

Old saved filters are still accessible, and marked distinctly from new saved custom views.

What’s next for the new moderation overview?

We don’t yet have a locked-in date on which we’ll completely phase out the old moderation overview. Our ambition is still to provide a better set of capabilities and an improved design first, and then to phase out the old moderation overview once it’s convenient to you.

We hope you enjoy using the new moderation overview, and we’re looking forward to continuing to improve it even further with your feedback.

Please let us know any questions or feedback you’ve got in the replies!

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Folkert Ziggo
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  • August 24, 2020

Hi @daniel.boon,

This is exciting news! Hope it is okay to share my feedback here.

In order to make sure topics in certain categories are assigned to one of 3 dedicated moderators i currently use a filter to exclude other moderators. I am missing this in the new moderation overview. Is there a way to apply this?


  • Helper ⭐️⭐️
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  • August 26, 2020

Thanks for the heads up Insided - it’s looking good!


*Update: just found out this change will take place from Monday 31st August.* 


I can’t find the ‘mark as spam’ option. Is it best practice to trash a spam topic, and if so, do we need to take actions against the poster manually?

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  • August 26, 2020
Folkert Ziggo wrote:

Hi @daniel.boon,

This is exciting news! Hope it is okay to share my feedback here.

In order to make sure topics in certain categories are assigned to one of 3 dedicated moderators i currently use a filter to exclude other moderators. I am missing this in the new moderation overview. Is there a way to apply this?


Glad to hear you’re looking forward to the rollout @Folkert Ziggo! This is definitely a good place to share your feedback ;)

Currently there’s no proper way to apply the filter you’re requesting. Just to make sure I understand: you want to see any topic that’s not assigned to any of the 3 dedicated moderators, including any topics that are unassigned, right?

I’ll look into this with the team and we’ll check if it’s a quick win to add an ‘Is not’ condition to the assigned moderator filter.

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  • August 26, 2020
timcavey wrote:

I can’t find the ‘mark as spam’ option. Is it best practice to trash a spam topic, and if so, do we need to take actions against the poster manually?

Hi @timcavey - we haven’t yet added in the ‘mark as spam’ bulk action on the new overview.

The best practice is still to use the ‘mark as spam’ option rather than only trashing the topic, (e.g. marking a topic as spam automatically bans the community user, and also helps the spam algorithm learn).

We hope to make a ‘mark as spam’ bulk action available on the new overview in the future, but I don’t have a concrete date for when we’ll deliver it. The old overview will still be available even after the new overview becomes the default, so it’ll still be possible to use the bulk action there to mark topics as spam.

Hope that’s helpful - let me know if you have any other questions!

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  • August 31, 2020

Update: we successfully rolled out the new moderation overview as the default in Control. Please let us know if you’ve got any feedback :)

Folkert Ziggo
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  • August 31, 2020

Hi @daniel.boon

daniel.boon wrote:

Glad to hear you’re looking forward to the rollout @Folkert Ziggo! This is definitely a good place to share your feedback ;)

Currently there’s no proper way to apply the filter you’re requesting. Just to make sure I understand: you want to see any topic that’s not assigned to any of the 3 dedicated moderators, including any topics that are unassigned, right?

I’ll look into this with the team and we’ll check if it’s a quick win to add an ‘Is not’ condition to the assigned moderator filter.

If possible, yes. The filter should display any unassigned topics and/or topics not assigned to the 3 dedicated moderators. 

Glad that this is a quick win and hopefully easy to implement.

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 46 replies
  • August 31, 2020

I've been playing with the new overview this morning and I generally like the new options for filters. There are a few things I'm missing/would like to see:

  • A bulk option to assign multiple topics to a/another moderator
  • If I make a typo in the name of a saved view I can only resave under a new name and then delete the old view, so would be nice to get a rename option as well


The one thing I really dislike is the overabundance of white space and lack of separator lines between columns. I would much prefer a compact view where I can fit much more info on my screen.


Bug, I think: the moderation label column isn't showing in the views where it's been selected.

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  • August 31, 2020
Erik_ wrote:

I've been playing with the new overview this morning and I generally like the new options for filters. 

Thanks a lot for your feedback @Erik_ !

Your request around bulk assign to moderator is clear ✅

If I make a typo in the name of a saved view I can only resave under a new name and then delete the old view, so would be nice to get a rename option as well

Not sure I understand this one, but maybe I misunderstood. As far as I understand the steps would be:

  1. Save a custom view
  2. Edit name of custom view
  3. Press save > save changes to the current view

The one thing I really dislike is the overabundance of white space and lack of separator lines between columns. I would much prefer a compact view where I can fit much more info on my screen.

Thanks for the feedback on the design, cc @xiaoyu-shen :)!

Bug, I think: the moderation label column isn't showing in the views where it's been selected.

That doesn’t sound right - can you send me a private message with an example URL (using the ‘Share view’ button)?

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  • September 1, 2020
daniel.boon wrote:

Not sure I understand this one, but maybe I misunderstood. As far as I understand the steps would be:

  1. Save a custom view
  2. Edit name of custom view
  3. Press save > save changes to the current view


Oh! Yeah, ignore this. I totally missed the pencil icon next to the View name :smile:


daniel.boon wrote:

Bug, I think: the moderation label column isn't showing in the views where it's been selected.

That doesn’t sound right - can you send me a private message with an example URL (using the ‘Share view’ button)?

On its way!

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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  • September 1, 2020

Something else that came up in my team: we would like the ability to sort the order of custom views. 


I also noticed that filter views don't remember/save everything. When I made my views I set them to 50 rows, but when I open them again, they're back to 25. 

In the old views, selecting a sort (for example on Last Activity) added a modifier to the URL. As such, when you refresh the page, the sorting remains the same. This does not happen with the new views. And as a result I have to re-sort every time I refresh. Which is fairly often.

Is there a way to keep the sort persistent, or choose a default sort for a view?

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️
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  • September 3, 2020

 A couple of comments/suggestions/bugs(?):


1 - I'm missing the “Views” column in the new overview. :slight_frown:


2 -  I always liked seeing how many posts I have personally missed (blue text in the Replies column) vs how many are unread by any moderator (Unread by team / Status). I can't find this info in the new overview.

Additionally, I always click on the blue text to go straight to the new posts. Instead I now have to click on the topic, then skip to the last page and scroll down to find the post I'm looking for.


3 - The width of the columns has increased/doesn't scale down. Call me a control freak, but I like to have a lot of information on screen to judge which topic needs my attention now and which topic can wait.
However in the new overview I can't fit everything on screen, and furthermore I can't even scroll to the right to reveal the columns off screen.



4 - I'm noticing differences between the old filters and new filters. Some topics dissapear entirely while others show different numbers of unread posts.

Screenshots below show the same filter (assigned to me + moderator label = X) applied to the new and the old overview.
Notice the topic* with 724 replies, the new overview shows “+1 Replies” while the old overview shows “+2 comments”
Also notice the 8th topic* in the old view (15 views, no new comments), this one doesn't show up at all in the new overview! Looking at the total amount of topics included in this filter this might be the only one that's missing (new: 74 topics, old: 75 topics)

(* hyperlinks to specific topics/views for analysis on request via PM)


  • VIP ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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  • September 3, 2020

Can I port my old saved filters to the new one and get rid of the warning triangle?

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  • September 4, 2020
Erik_ wrote:

Something else that came up in my team: we would like the ability to sort the order of custom views. 


I also noticed that filter views don't remember/save everything. When I made my views I set them to 50 rows, but when I open them again, they're back to 25. 

In the old views, selecting a sort (for example on Last Activity) added a modifier to the URL. As such, when you refresh the page, the sorting remains the same. This does not happen with the new views. And as a result I have to re-sort every time I refresh. Which is fairly often.

Is there a way to keep the sort persistent, or choose a default sort for a view?

Thanks for sharing additional feedback @Erik_!

  • Sort order of custom views: curious if there’s any specific reason this came up (e.g. keep most used custom views at the top?)
  • Filter views not saving pagination size: clear! :)
  • Keep sort persistent/choose default sort for a view: when a custom view is saved the sorting preference is also saved. The same applies even if you haven’t saved a custom view and you’re just browsing.

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  • September 4, 2020
Mark wrote:

 A couple of comments/suggestions/bugs(?):

Thanks for this really detailed feedback @Mark - really helpful!

  1. Views column: clear!
  2. Individual unread status + link to last unread reply: also clear - can imagine this being particularly useful.
  3. Column width + scrolling: thanks for the feedback and example screenshot showing how you can’t see as much topic info at a glance - copying in our designer @xiaoyu-shen 
  4. Inconsistent team unread status: can you please send me the links to those topics in private messages? I’ll take a look and check why this might be happening.

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  • September 4, 2020
Ditte wrote:

Can I port my old saved filters to the new one and get rid of the warning triangle?

Hey @Ditte  - unfortunately we don’t have a way to migrate old saved filters to new ones at this time

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  • September 4, 2020
daniel.boon wrote:
Erik_ wrote:

Something else that came up in my team: we would like the ability to sort the order of custom views. 


I also noticed that filter views don't remember/save everything. When I made my views I set them to 50 rows, but when I open them again, they're back to 25. 

In the old views, selecting a sort (for example on Last Activity) added a modifier to the URL. As such, when you refresh the page, the sorting remains the same. This does not happen with the new views. And as a result I have to re-sort every time I refresh. Which is fairly often.

Is there a way to keep the sort persistent, or choose a default sort for a view?

Thanks for sharing additional feedback @Erik_!

  • Sort order of custom views: curious if there’s any specific reason this came up (e.g. keep most used custom views at the top?)
  • Filter views not saving pagination size: clear! :)
  • Keep sort persistent/choose default sort for a view: when a custom view is saved the sorting preference is also saved. The same applies even if you haven’t saved a custom view and you’re just browsing.


Yes, sort order is indeed to keep most used filters at the top. For myself, for example, I want the filters for the topics assigned to me at the top. I could get that done by playing with the naming convention by adding numbers or something, but being able to just drag and drop them in a custom order would be preferable. 


Re: sorting preference, thanks! I did not realise it did this. We made our filters and just saved without choosing a prefered sort because we assumed it worked similar to the old version. I've now resaved a couple views with a specific sort and this is working as it should.

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️
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  • September 7, 2020

 Hi Daniel, thanks for the updates!


After trying to convert some more filters to the new overview I’m going to give this feedback a +1:

Folkert Ziggo wrote:

...i currently use a filter to exclude other moderators. I am missing this in the new moderation overview...



I use the exclude filters quite often for “Assigned moderator”, but also for “Moderation label” and “Published in...”.

It's not always possible to reverse the filter by including everything else.
E.g.: The filter excluding label A will include labels B, C and unlabelled topics.
But a filter including label B and C will not include the unlabelled topics.



Edit: There's a huge difference when filtering topics assigned to a moderator.

Example my colleague Rikst has 45 topics to her name, but the new filter finds only 1(!) of them.



  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️
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  • September 11, 2020

Is there a bug going on where saved views in the new overview don't show up (correctly) in the custom views list? I can save them and retrieve them by adding /1, /2, etc to the standard overview link, but they don't show up in the list.


The ‘test’ view is one I just made in the old overview (I never realised we could do that). That one does show up in the list of custom views.

The ‘Unanswered’ is one I just made in the new overview. I've saved it and can retrieve it via adding the /3 to the overview URL, but it doesn't show up in the custom views list.


Additionally to that, I'm also noticing layout problems when refreshing the page. After refreshing, the menu pop-out on the left often disappears, which also changes the layout on the right side.

After clicking on one of the menu options the layout then resets:

I'm seeing the same issue in screenshots from other users here (one of them from Mark has it for example), but I've not found a report of this yet.

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  • September 14, 2020

Thanks for letting us know @Stijn. I can’t reproduce either problem myself on inSpired, so I’ve logged a support ticket on your behalf. Can you explain in more detail the steps you take when you encounter the layout issue?

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  • September 14, 2020

It seems to happen when I add a number to the URL of the overview page. The default works correctly, but if I add /1, /2, /3 etc. ( the layout gets distorted. I can reset the layout by opening the menu on the left, but refreshing the page with the non-default URL distorts the layout again. Going back to the ‘base’ overview URL gives the correct layout.

It seems to be irrelevant to whether or not I actually have a custom view saved under one of the edited URLs. Currently I only have one saved under /3 and /4, but /1, /2, /9  and other numbers give the distorted layout too, even though they give the filters and columns according to the default overview.

I mostly use Firefox as a browser, but the issue persists on Internet Explor, Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome, so it does not seem to be a browser issue.

Hopefully this helps.

Edit: I just found another method that causes the layout issue, without changing the URL. From the old moderation overview, there are two buttons via which you can switch to the new one.

Using the green underlined link, the new overview works correctly. The menu on the left shows by default and the layout isn't distorted. Refreshing the page doesn't change this either, the menu remains the the layout stays correct.

If I use the red underlined link however, it opens the new overview with the menu on the left missing and the layout distorted, even though the used URL is exactly the same. I can reset the layout by manually opening a menu, but refreshing the page removes the menu again and distorts the layout. The only way to fix it properly is by going back to the old version and then using the green underlined link.

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  • September 16, 2020
Folkert Ziggo wrote:


daniel.boon wrote:

Glad to hear you’re looking forward to the rollout @Folkert Ziggo! This is definitely a good place to share your feedback ;)

Currently there’s no proper way to apply the filter you’re requesting. Just to make sure I understand: you want to see any topic that’s not assigned to any of the 3 dedicated moderators, including any topics that are unassigned, right?

I’ll look into this with the team and we’ll check if it’s a quick win to add an ‘Is not’ condition to the assigned moderator filter.

If possible, yes. The filter should display any unassigned topics and/or topics not assigned to the 3 dedicated moderators. 

Glad that this is a quick win and hopefully easy to implement.

Hey @Folkert Ziggo - just to loop back on this. We took a look and it’s not a super quick win. It is however something that we’ll definitely consider for the next batch of improvements for the moderation overview. I don’t have a concrete timeframe to share on that just yet.


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