Got an idea on how we can improve our platform? Don't hesitate to post your idea on our Ideation board.
Product updates coming soon:
Member Dashboard Improvements
We already made a first version of the member dashboard available to you last week. In April we will add detailed views for the top members and ranks table. You will also see the amount of Likes received per member.
Branded Templates Widget Management
Branded templates customers have a set of predefined widgets showing on their community. Soon you will be able to hide or display specific widgets, and change the specific order of these widgets. In a later phase you will be able to configure the widget settings.
Unanswered topics tab for Branded Templates
We will add a third tab on the community homepage that shows unanswered questions. This empowers super users to quickly find topics that are in need of an answer.
First beta for API 2.0 - Conversations and Questions
We have been working on a new API which will provide a more consistent REST experience. In April we are expecting to start a beta for all of our Branded Templates customers. The first release of the new API is providing you all the functionality for conversations and domains, also including all moderator actions.
3rd party scripts Self-Service for Branded Templates
Manage 3rd party scripts yourself from within the Control environment. You will be able to add scripts such as Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and Usabilla to your community by yourself.
Spam Self-Service
We will allow customers to enable and configure the Spam service in Control. We will also add a few measurements to control non completed user registrations.
Completed Projects & Improvements
March 2018
- Improved Content Dashboard
- Embeddable Widgets
- Members Dashboard (First version)
- Configure introduction widget colors
- Read/unread topics indicator
- Super User as a primary role
February 2018
- Breadcrumbs for Branded Templates
- Improved Phrases tool
- Self-Service moderation labels for Branded Templates
- Default avatars
- Self-Service styling for Branded Templates
December 2017