Want to start a thread on the road blocks of standing up customer goals in scalable way. Many of these were discussed in Beta but not updated in the GA release. Would like to know if anyone else is experiencing difficulties while trying to put together a POC for their leadership team
- Limited to using APIs for updates and creations via rules engine. IE this means you need to have an admin that is comfortable enough with APIs to help your team maintain the Customer Goals. Would be better to have a rule action
- Unable to limit display field editability
- Cannot associate to a relationship from the C360 (like you can with other functions like Success Plans). Makes CSMs have multiple paths to create the same thing
- Unable to require fields at “close” (see point below about “closed” identification”. Additionally, you can only require fields at the data management level which means if you add a field after records are created you cannot require that field. So flexibility to alter your layout is limited
- Unable to distinguish a true “closed” status. OOTB contains “acheived”, but would be better to have status reporting categories (which is aligned with the design of the rest of the system anyways - CTAs, Success Plans)
- Some fields you cannot remove from the layout IE objective. Objective is visible for AEs to attach during the sales process, however that will only work if you send prospects to GS. This is not a usable association for us and I would like to remove it
- No timeline or comments
- Unable to display fields from a lookup (only usable in reports, not in the actual customer goal)
Can we have beta posts opened to the rest of community?