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We’ve released a brand-new moderation overview in public beta for all community managers and admins. Moderators can also access the beta if your community manager has opted you in.
The moderation overview is getting an overhaul, both in terms of design and capabilities.

Read on to find out what’s available right now and for whom, learn about the next steps and planned items, and find out how you can contribute to improving the new moderation overview.
What’s already available in the new moderation overview?
The following capabilities are available in the new moderation overview:
Save, edit, and share custom views.
Improved page load times and a quick refresh button to reload the topic stream without reloading the whole page.
Improved filtering UX and an improved title/content keyword search.
New filters, including: relative time filters for last active/publish date, filter by ideation status, and a multiselect filter for moderator tags.
As an administrator/community manager, you can opt-in to allow your entire moderation team to participate in the moderation overview beta. Just click the ‘enable for team option’ and flick the switch on our new experimental features page.

We’ve done this based on early feedback that we’re still lacking key features in the new overview, and that it would add complexity for larger moderation teams to have the beta suddenly available for the entire moderation team.
Of course, we couldn’t build these improvements without all the fantastic input from our community - so here’s a couple of shout outs to those who inspired us with their ideas.
Thanks to
(^ that’s 30 inSpired votes!)
What’s next / planned for the new moderation overview?
We have no short-term plans or a set date on which we’ll get rid of the old moderation overview.
Our ambition is to provide a better set of capabilities and a better design on the new moderation overview, and eventually phase out the old moderation overview, based on your feedback and usage.
How can you contribute and help us build a great moderator experience?
We’ll use this topic as a megathread to collect feedback from you and to provide updates on new features/changes as we iterate over the new moderation overview further.
We’ve included a feedback button on the beta overview page in Control, which takes you directly to this topic.
We’re excited to hear your first impressions!