🦋 If You Love Something, Let it go: Data Granularity & Archival Policy
When using Adoption Explorer to operationalize PX data in CS, we are provided varied levels of data within the Company and Person Time Series objects. As you can imagine, the amount of data by company, by person, by day gives us a ton of information, so it’s important to consider data granularity. What is data granularity? Simply put, data granularity determines how detailed usage data should be. That is, do we want PX to send usage data to CS on the daily or weekly level? Do we need to know, on any given day, what specific features a user interacted with? Or are we more interested in trending data-how user activity is fluctuating week over week? For those of us that LOVE data, we might be inclined to choose Daily Time Series granularity more often. After all, if I can access this level of detail, why wouldn’t I? In this case, however, more data can result in more problems, like inefficient queries or disrupted functions. But data lovers- fear not! It is still possible to access data a