Best practice: scaled CSx control/visibility into email recipient subscription for recurring emails
Curious — (how) do you deal with requests from CSXs asking whether a certain user and/or organization will receive a particular email? (ex: CSM check-ins, monthly product/event newsletters, usage emails) Our current situation: Emails are sent through advanced JO using queries (multiple queries, in multiple programs). We have various opt-out options (boolean) at both the company level and person level for certain programs, and use those opt-out fields within the query to allow our CSx’s to opt users or companies out of certain communications (CSM check-ins, re-engagement programs, etc.) as required. The issue: As we’re scaling our CSM model, and are beginning to send CSM check-in emails (and other emails) to more users, I’ve been getting more and more requests asking questions such as: Will {user} receive this month’s CSM check-in? Can you pull a list of all my users who will receive {this specific} email? Did this user receive {this specific} email? THIS IS NOT SCALABLE. We’d originall